
Why cats dont eat as much as they should?

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our cats arnet eating as much as they should.any help? P.S.i dont know if i can take them to the vet!




  1. Did your cats used to eat more? Have they lost weight? Did you switch food types? Anything change in household? If no to the last 2 questions then unfortanutely you as the owner have the responsiblilty to get them vet attention.  But we don't know situation at all so we can't possibley give you suggestions other than go to vet.  

  2. If you let them outside they might be supplementing their diets with other things.My cat,Snazoo,isn't eating as much right now because it is hot out.He just likes to hide in the bushes and sleep.

  3. It could be for several reasons....

    Cats do eat less in the summer months when its warm.

    Have there been any changes to their lives?

    Have you changed what or where you are feeding them?

    If it was just one cat I would say check teeth, treat for fur balls or take to the vets for a check up but it seems strange that its more than one cat not eating.

    Try tempting them with something tasty/something they usually eat

  4. try a few different brands of food. some cats are very picky about the food they eat. if your cat is still not eating you should bring her to the vet. A cat not eating could be symptomatic of many ailments.

  5. First question I would want to know the answer to is how many cats do you have, if they are eating out of the same bowl, or if you give them individual bowls, and what type of food you are feeding and if you have changed brands recently. Sometimes if cats eat in the same room or out of the same bowl, it is hard to know which cat is getting the lion's share.

    Do you observe them eating? Do they seem to be interested in the food you are giving?

    The average cat needs approximately 5.5 oz of food a day for a healthy diet. Cats need high quality protein diet, and dry food is not a really good product to feed cats. Made for human convenience, they have too many carbs and additives, and no liquid at all.

    If this is a recent problem and all your cats are not eating at least that amount, they may be sick. It is important to have them checked out by a vet. Yahoo Answers can give suggestions, but even if we were all vets, without seeing them, what we would advise is only conjecture.

    If you switch to a high quality canned food, make sure that MEAT is the first product listed on the label. Stay away from foods that have by-products and grains. But whatever you do, make the switch over gradually, as cats have delicate digestive systems.

    Being a cat ower has huge responsibility attached. Taking them to the vet is part of that responsibility to keep them healthy. We make a promise to them when we take them into our homes to protect and take care of them.

    Good luck and hope your cats are eating happily again, soon.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder or Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs.

  6. Sorry to say that loss of appetite is a common symptom for many different ailments. There is no way you can diagnose and treat your cat by yourself. It really isn't responsible ownership (or very nice to the cat) to refuse it proper medical care when it requires it.

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