
Why certain animals exist in certain countries even though these countries are in the same climatic belt ?

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Why certain animals exist in certain countries even though these countries are in the same climatic belt ?




  1. Because there are  people who don't take care of this poor living creatures even though these countries are in the same climatic belt.

  2. Mountains, oceans and seas, varying habitat type, availability of food source, etc, provide natural barriers and limit animal migration paths.  This serves to isolate populations.  Even populations that were once connected can be isolated into island populations by habitat change (such as natural changes or deforestation) and these isolated populations can diverge becoming unique species.  This has been observed on the Galapagos Islands, for instance.

  3. Two things,  plate tectonics and evolution. Here's how it began, 543 million years ago, Pangaea, a super continent, was born. 257 million years later, it starts to seperate itself. During 150 mya-20 mya, there is a time of when the water froze and glaciers rise, which is called an ice age. Basically that's why dinsoaurs can cross over to some places. Soon evolution came in and animals as well people evolve. From this explanation, that is why fossils that are found today in certain places are the same and yet can be found anywhere else, like South America and Africa, this is also why land animals can be found in certain places eventhough those countries have the same climatic belt.

    mya- million years ago

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