
Why children with intellectual disabilities do not think normal children are not nice?

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i heard that they would not treat them in a nice way cause they claim that they are too mean and too difficult to get along with. This this true?




  1. I don't think that statement is true.  I do think some children with intellectual disabilities may feel that they have not been always treated nice by others.  Sometimes they are easily targeted for jokes.

  2. Hi there.  I don't understand if you're asking Why don't children with intellectual disabilities think "normal" children are nice? But in any case, maybe I'm just perpetuating your belief that special ed people maltreat "normal" people coz you're all too mean and difficult to get along with....

  3. DeeToDee, Dude they get picked on because kids will be kids. The media makes fun of  speds all the time. For example Melcom in the Middle, Simpsons, Crankyankers, WWE Wrestling, South Park, The target market of those just listed is kids that are in grade school.  Its accepted by society to pick on them. The saying that every one is born equal is politically correct and fits great for black rights, women rights so on and so on. This saying is not true, people are not born equally. Some are burn will a high IQ some are dumb. *-"every one is gifted some just open their gifts late"- * Speds are not normal and there not treated normal. They have small class rooms. They drive on small school buses. Do you see some kind of correlation? Small kids get bullied by bigger kids. If you want to help "children with intellectual disabilities" adults and teachers need treat them no different then any one elts in class. Speds as I like to call them "children with intellectual disabilities" as you like to call them. Ether way Drop the labels. Unfortunately this will never happen. Sped Teachers get paid. I would abolish "The Opportunity Room" as they called it when I went to school. We used to have a joke were kids that got sent to the opportunity room never got out. Why is that? Any who I would never let my child go to a sped class. I would hire a tutor instead  for after school. A really hot school tutor.  A tutor with blond hair, reading glasses, a books, and pair of big ol'...

  4. beacuse they are unnice

  5. they think the 'normal' children are not nice because they bully them and pick on them BECAUSE of their disabilty

  6. As a person who has learning disabilities and a physical disability and psychiatric disabilities I would have to agree with them.  I hate teasing because of my disabilities I was teased unmercifully when I was a child.  And I am a person with high average intelligence.  But because I went to school in the 60's and little was known about learning disabilities than  I was in the 5th grade before I was able to learn to read well.  Because of that and because I walked with a limp my life at school and in the neighborhood was he***.  Things have not changed all that much in the 40+ years since I was in grammar school.  Kids can be very cruel and if their parents don't tell them different what's to stop them from call children who are different from them names and making fun of them???   I am a 52 year old woman with three children of her own and I still have trouble with other adults. I've had people talk over me to ask my children what I wanted at a restaurant or at a store because I have a disability they think that my brains are where I sit.  If I still get that reaction from the adults than what do you think that children get from other children who don't know better or who aren't taught better.  People who don't understand things and people who are different  make others afraid and when people who are afraid lash out against what they are afraid of. It's your job as teacher to help the other children know that the special education children aren't all that different from them.

  7. I'm not sure I understand your question but special children look at the world from a different perspective sometime. They also have been made fun of by regular ed kids.

  8. If I'm understanding you correctly you're asking why children with learning disabilities don't think "normal" children are not nice.

    First of all exactly what do you consider "normal?"  Sure would like to know the answer to that one.  Children with learning disabilities are not some kind of monsters.  These children learn and/or are taught differently than "other" children.  

    Children with learning disabilities are treated like they are from another planet by there own peers.  That's just for starters.  The so called "normal" children will bully the h**l out of these kids.  It's non stop verbal abuse in and out of the classroom setting.  The "goody to shoes" will not share lunch tables, instead they will stare and make nasty remarks.  They are very good at taking advantage of anyone who is in any way different then they think they are.

    Just to think, children with learning disabilities have it hard enough and then they are supposed to just let all this ABUSE roll right off there shoulders.  It doesn't work that way.  And to think I thought that bullying was not to be tolerated in any schools.  Well you can now think again, because it does continue to happen at every school in America.  What happened to "everyone is created equal?"  Guess that one goes right out the door.

    Schools are supposed to be responsible for this kind of cruel behavior.  All I have ever heard from teachers, "I haven't noticed anything."  Maybe they should be more aware of what goes on in there classrooms or maybe even take the time to listen to these children who are taking the abuse.

    I have seen for myself the abuse these children have to endure.  All they want to do is fit in.  However,  I wouldn't want to see my own grandchild as one of the "goody to shoes."

    I've watched my grandchild being totally ignored when she goes to dances.  I see how the others talk behind her back and refuse to socialize with her.  Her mom has complained to the principal, social workers, teachers to no avail.  She tries to protect her, but she can't be at the school 24/7 now can she!

    These same bullies will continue with there abuse through high school and right on through college.  

    It's a sad, sad world when behavior like this has to continue and no one can figure out what to do about it.  It's tragic when you read about another school incident and now we are hearing about it in our colleges.  It not only makes me angry, but I have to ask myself, where did it all stem from?

    Now you know just a small part of what children with disabilities have to contend with day after day after day.

    One more thing and then I'm out of here.  As far as I'm concerned the "goody to shoes" are cowards and when asked about there behavior they aren't the ones to step up to the plate.

  9. First off I understand your question fully !!

    and my answer is Sadly True !

    But I also understand the reason why such things go on.

    First off on any topic of kids, ONCE you are not part of the cleak, KEWL KIDS.....everyone else is picked on. Tall, short, fat, skinny, glasses,colour, the way you talk the way you walk, run skip.

    Kids have an endless list of why they don't like you and they tell you LOUDLY.

    When it comes to kids that attend special ed they LEARN early in life from parents and family that there are many people in this world. And to accept them for who they are and what they can do.

    This is embedded into them from the early years. So once they start school and quickly learn OTHERS that the school and parents call "NORMAL KIDS" who have never been taught to treat others with any sort of respect, spend their spare time hurting, yelling laughing making a  joke of the ones who do not fit into the KEWL GROUP..... girls are  the worse of the two evils.

    This is without a doubt a true form of Bulling that homes and schools have ignored for to many years. NO ONE has the right to point out others weakness. Simply because we all have them no one is perfect.

    Parents, teachers and Families are at fault for letting it go on for so long.

    SO TEACH THE "NORMAL KIDS" as everyone likes to address them....  They are the ones that are truly lacking socially, because they do NOT accept someone different.

    They are the children that are toxic to any special ed program.


  10. As someone who went through special education program in school, I can say honestly that kids are very cruel and they do pick on children that are different, regardless how mild the difference is. I blame the parents of the children that is doing the picking because these kids pick up this attitude that disabled children are a pack of retards from their parents.

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