
Why china are tolerating some restaurant that cooking the baby fetus together with chicken for a soup..?

by  |  earlier

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there are email with photo that you can see how they prepared this kind of inhumanity...they are must be jail and punish to death.




  1. What Chinese does is not your business.

  2. These are urban myths. This stuff is not happening. I could make an e-mail of you in flames. Check out photoshop.

  3. I believe this is an urban legend.

  4. may be that they have more population.

    but that is heartless deed.

  5. Don't believe everything you read in emails.  It is a stunt to get people to hate the Chinese.  It is rubbish.

  6. I don't believe this is actually happening.  What is your source?

  7. Because people are gullible enough to believe every email forward they get.

  8. dude u're frigging dumb, all email photos are either spams or fake photoshop craps. Why, if u're bold to send me ur photo , I can show u what i can do with it(not pretty sight though =))

  9. Why does america allow serial killers to go on rampage killing sprees??? I saw the photos and I'm pretty sure it was a controlled case (freak). There are freaks and sickos everywhere (not just in china), and I'd think that if the govt knew that they would shut them down. Just because you saw one restaurant doing it doesn't mean there are more, or that the chinese govt condones it.

  10. I don't believe it. Do you?

  11. Let me get this straight, China is cooking fetuses and chickens together, right?

    Are YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!???????????????????

    That is no more going on then you have any common sense whatsoever.

    Good god man, you just got the vote for the dumbest statement on the net by a major league mile.

    Just because some idiot says something doesn't mean its true.




  12. Before outright belief there should be investigation, verfication and conclusive proof of any happening that invites world attention. To quote without resorting to all the necessary steps to establish the veracity of something is to act irresponsibly and possibly with extreme prejudice and calumny. You should be aware of this.

  13. because it tastes so good...have u ever tried baby fetus soup mmmmm

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