
Why choose a LLC c-corp or s-corp over my one owner company now?

by  |  earlier

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From experience can anyone tell truely why choose one over the other? There will be three people involved in this company, Being a seamless gutter co. to start with. The people involved are my wife and I along with the gutter installer. Hope info helps with answer....




  1. I suggest limited liability. That's the way to go. Limited liability implies that you won't be held liable in the event of an accident, i.e., you guys get caught upon robbing that company you're planning to rob. This is the good thing with limited liability insurance, criminals nowadays are covered by this form of insurance if they get caught- the insurance covers everything from the bail bond to lawyer's fees.

    Good luck on your heist!

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth with this question.  I don't know the answer but I am in the same sort of situation and am looking for the same answers.  Best of luck to you.

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