
Why cigarettes arent illegal but weed is? ?

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I know smoking is bad, but if weed is illegal then cigarettes should be...from a person who smokes weed alot to a person who smokes cigarettes...i think the cigarette smoker would die im not a smoker..just coming from the people i know and their experiences...




  1. Marijuana was made illegal when Prohibition was repealed so the Booze Cops could keep their jobs by chasing something else.  Drug enforcement takes up more time, money, and jail space than any other crime, that is why we are turning rapists and child molesters free early to make room for college kids caught smoking pot.  

  2. There wasn't an established "weed industry" when the government began making such things illegal.  

  3. tax dollars on tobacco are huge......who cares if it kill 50,000 Americans each year, thats big pathetic is this country?

  4. two different things. duh.  

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