
Why clouds is looking white?

by Guest32013  |  earlier

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Why clouds is looking white?




  1. The simple answer is that they reflect very well the light that falls on them. Clouds are illuminated by light from the sun, and light from the sun is seen as white by our eyes, a mix of all the colours of the rainbow - which produces white. Clouds are made up of many small water drops and ice crystals. Light can reflect and scatter so many ways from and in a cloud that when illuminated directly it ends up looking an fairly even and bright white.

    Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals, usually a mixture of both. The water and ice scatter all light, making clouds appear white.

  2. Depends on the amount of light they absorb. Darker clouds have more water (more dense) and therefore absorb more light.

  3. Clouds are formed from water vapour, the small droplets refract the light enetring them to give them a white colour.  If theye are very dense i.e. about to rain, they will be very dark in colour.

  4. Some are dark gray...

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