
Why coconut never falls on human beings ?

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I understand there is no record of death of anyone due to fall of coconut on his or her head directly from coconut tree.




  1. ....haaa...well its not true , theres nothing stopping coconuts fallling on human beings in fact ive seen coconuts fall on one persons head.well u mistaken about the statement the coconut when falls on a mans head cannot kill him firstly since it is hollow...and secondly theres always a hospital for such ppl with ill luck

  2. Coconuts friend. They no hurt us.

  3. Actually, there have been many deaths as a result of coconuts falling on people.  In an article by Dr. Peter Barss in the Journal of Trauma entitled "Injuries Due to Falling Coconuts", it is reported that in 2001 nine injuries in Papua New Guinea were due to falling coconuts, but none were fatal. Barss notes that a coconut palm tree commonly reaches 25 meters in height, that a coconut can weigh two kilograms or more, and that a two-kilogram coconut falling 25 meters would have a velocity of 80 kilometers per hour on impact and a force of as much as 1,000 kilograms. Several victims suffered fractured skulls, were rendered comatose, etc. He provides an anecdotal account of one such death and in a separate paper estimates that over a four-year period five deaths in his hospital's service area were related to coconut palm trees.

    A more recent paper in Papau New Guinea botany journal sites the reason for few to no deaths as the noise that is made when a coconut drops.  Apparently, it is preceded by a popping or crackling sound so the person below has some warning that it is coming.  

    Hope that helps to answer your question!

  4. It's because the natives rush right out and quietly bury the stupid shade-resting foreigner who slept under a coconut tree, thus preserving their export markets.

  5. you've got to be under the right tree at the right time!

  6. Beware of Coconuts!!!!!

    In this article:

    "Falling Coconuts Kill More People Than Shark Attacks"

    is reported:

    "Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each year"

    And there are some more publications like this one from July 13, 2008:

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