
Why companies manufacturing DVD players and Home Theatres offer atmost 1 year warranty on their products ?

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Why companies manufacturing DVD players and Home Theatres offer atmost 1 year warranty on their products ?




  1. Pretty much, because that's the industry standard. They've done a cost/benefit analysis, and determined that a one year warranty is what meets their needs (that is, they feel that offering a longer warranty will not improve their profits, either immediately or long term).

    Now, realistiically, in most cases, anything longer than a one year warranty is superfluous. The most common types of failures occur either during the first few months of ownership ("infant mortality") or after several years, when they start wearing out.

    However, there are a couple of things that you can do. First of all, many, if not most credit cards offer a warranty doubling of up to one year, which means that your one year warranty becomes a two year warranty at no cost to you. If that's still not long enough, you can purchase an extended warranty fairly inexpensively from a company such as Repaimaster to pick up when the manufacturer's warranty runs out.

    Additionally, some higher end equipment does come with longer than a one year; however, it's pretty reasonable to assume that all-in-one theater systems would not fall in this category.

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