
Why companies still manufacture cars with turn signals in the US if people don't turn them on?

by  |  earlier

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Ok,ok.....maybe I'm generalizing and being too radical.But I live in Atlanta,and at least here,70% of the times I'm crossing the street, I,as a pedestrian,have to be careful because people don't turn their d**n turn signals on.So it seems they're going straight......but then suddenly,they make a turn.

So here's is an idea I'd like to share with the Yahoo community:

If people don't turn their signals on,it's probably because there's no need to.So maybe car manufactory companies should start producing cars without turn signals.




  1. From driving daily I ask the same thing and for the most part I believe that most all cars dont have them anymore, it must be an option............................

  2. Car manufacturers include turn signals in the vehicle because they are mandated to by law.    

    The problem with signals doesn't have a thing to do with the cars,  it is people either too stupid or too lazy to use them.     What is needed is stricter enforcement of the law requiring this..

  3. Frustrating, isn't it? I agree with you completely. Evidentally, simply lifting a finger to turn on your signal requires far beyond too much energy for some people. I am American, and I use my signal 99% of the time. I do not expect others to read my mind, as I do not feel like reading theirs. I used to wonder if it would make a difference if turn signals were voice-activated, but nope--still, people would find that to be too much of a task, I believe. Long story short, it would be SO much easier if people would just turn it on.

  4. Drivers are just too damned lazy to be bothered with such trivial things.

    The manufacturers need to come up with a way that automatically turns them on when ever the driver just thinks about turning.

    That way everyone else would know their intentions and the lazy driver can get on with his/her texting.

  5. You can't blame the United States Government for having laws that require transportation vehicles to come with turn signals.Don't blame them for haveing them on cars you need to blame the Stupid people of ATL that don't use them. Thats the reason that insurance in the south is so d!$*n high now, because people in cities like that dont use them. It only takes a tenth of a second to flick it on.You need to write to your state law makers in order to make a change in that.You need to know where to focus your blame on and how to fix the problem instead of trying to be a part of it.

  6. Highway patrol does not use their signals so drivers follow the example.

  7. well at least if u get hit by one then u can sue

  8. Take your anger elsewhere. People use their signals.

  9. your over reacting. the pedestrian also has an obligation to make sure the way is clear before crossing.

  10. cars are provided with signal lights, so that they can leave them on whilst driving, or  put the hazzards on when they wish to park illegally, by pretending they broke down.

    Plus they do look pretty when they flash on n off, its kind  of a calming effect..... 'on n off n on n off n on n off...'  Also they make a cute clicking noise which  you can use as cheap backing to your own in-car-sing-along....

    There is no obligation to use turn signals, they are purely there as a an aid to make other road users aware of your actions... but if you or other drivers choose not to use them, then there is nothing anyone can do, other than drive defensivily and be prepared that the driver infront may turn without signalling.

    Perhaps car manufacturers should provide bumper stickers to state that.. like hows my driving call: xxxxxxxx .

    Warning this vehicle may manuever with out prior signalling.

    Or something worded like that

  11. Signals are required by US law. Americans are just Morons.

    I ALWAYS use my signal, even pulling into parking spaces.

  12. I like them being in all of the cars I have purchased.  I use them quite frequently.


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