
Why content map or structure ,objectives,prior knowledge,method of teaching important in a lesson plan?

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Why content map or structure ,objectives,prior knowledge,method of teaching important in a lesson plan?




  1. i think u need to read the mentorign book that we give to all our new teacher called "understanding by design"

    the framework has to be in place to ensure all the standards are met before a teacher walks into a classroom.

    structure has to be in place. students retrieval of knowledge and how well that is done can be key.

    the process of teaching and style can vary from one teacher to another.

    communication from student back to teacher is key- the more of that happens the more learnign is  happening.

  2. You can't go wrong if you can remember "A HOME"  It doesn't go in this order but its easy to check!

    A= Activities, what you are doing.  These should be subject, age, and skill level appropriate.  It helps to mix it up.  Schedule lectures towards the beginning of your lesson and chunk the activities so there is transition and other learning styles represented.  Leave some time at the end for clean up and a quick review of what you covered.  You might want to start the period with a bell ringer. Get students into their seats with an expectation of them doing something so you can handle administrivia.

    H= Home Learning, it doesn't have to be something done on paper.  Home learning can be a way to carry what you are teaching and what students are learning out the door to make connections to their lives.

    O=Objective, these can be state, district or personal goals. What do you intend to do? What will students be able to do as a result? Some districts call these "Essential Questions".

    M=Materials, what you will need to teach with and what students will need to use to complete your objective.

    E=Evaluation, you should have some means to measure what you are doing. Did it work? It can be observation of body language or a formal assessment.

    Hope this helps!

  3. so that others dont have difficulty it will be more easier for your teacher

  4. As a new teacher, you need to make sure that all of those things are in your lesson plan, because without them, you don't really know why you're doing what you're doing.  It's like writing a recipe in a way.  You need to know what you're doing next in the sequence in order to follow all the steps.

    Once you've been teaching for a while, you just sort of know what you're doing and you don't need to put as much on paper.

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