
Why could Republicans not stop 9-11 from happening?

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even though they claim to be the "PROTECTORS" - whatever that means!




  1. Party politics had essentially nothing to do with it.  Clinton had an opportunity to toast bin Laden -- but didn't.

  2. They deemed CIA Breifing "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US" as not a specific threat. Read the entire memo and see if it is specific enough that you would be worried:

  3. They couldn't stop it for the same reason the democrats or independents or communists or any other party couldn't stop it.

  4. Bush was on vacation right before they happened.  

  5. Unusual circumstances are hard to predict.the terrorists found a weak spot that no one thought could happen. Look at the attack on pearl harbor by Japan. there were warnings, but none that could be verified at the time. You never know where an attack will occur until it is in progress.Often things are done after the fact. You can't lock up someone just because you have a suspicion. Until a law is broken, we as a free society cannot take action. There has to be strong underlying evidance.

  6. Because the Clinton administration,

    Failed to inform the Bush administration.

    They had already allowed the 19 terrorist to enter the country.

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