
Why could i have woken up with a black tongue?

by  |  earlier

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lemme give u my details:

- I brush my teeth and tongue every morning and night

- I never have and never will do drugs or smoke cigarettes/cigars

- I had not eaten anything of color that night

- My mouth did not taste any different than usual mornings

- and The black brushed right off when I brushed my tongue and teeth

please please please help me.

any information is appreciated.

Thank You!!




  1. Its the pepto bismol reacting to the acids on your tounge. On the pepto Bismol box it should say on the back that blackening of the toungue or stool may occur. I freaked out the first time it happend to me.

  2. Pepto bismal cause black tongue

  3. Someone put black licorice in your mouth while you slept.  

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