
Why couldn't Al Gore just stop with the internet?

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I mean we are all very grateful to Mr Gore for inventing the internet. Where would the world be without it? It was a wonderful invention that changed our lives for the better.

So why couldn't he just take that glory and stop his inventing? Why did he have to invent Global Warming too? At least the internet is not gonna kill us all. Global Warming will. Before he invented global warming, we were just fine, now we are all gonna die.

And to think they gave the Nobel Peace Prize to some one who invented something so evil that it would kill us all.

Who wants to join with me to file a class action suit against Mr. Gore and the Nobels?




  1. I know why didn't he just stick to something he was good at- Politics- oh wait that didn't work either.

    Didn't he also invent the dangling chad?  I am pretty sure of that.

    I wanna join your lawsuit.  Because of him I can't burn styrofoam anymore.

  2. =\

    People didn't invent Global Warming... someone just gave it a name. Maybe you should retake your basic science classes.

    There is no point in going into a class action suit against Gore and the Nobels, that is just pointless and you will get nothing.

    You are overly paranoid and should look up more of what you are talking about before you talk nonsense....

  3. The internet?  Is that thing still around?

  4. if you include the hollywood environazi freaks as well, then count me in.  i want to see that oscar stuffed up his ***!

  5. he kills me...

  6. i heard that he did it to divert attention away from his digestive problems...

  7. Okay seriously, everyone has moved past trying to prove global warming and is already on the "try to fix" phase. There are several people, like you and a few crack pot masters-degree "scientists" who don't know enough about the subject, and make up cute little reasons global warming doesn't exist. Please hurry up and catch up with the rest of the civilized world.

  8. In 1896 a Swedish scientist published a new idea. As humanity burned fossil fuels such as coal, which added carbon dioxide gas to the Earth's atmosphere, we would raise the planet's average temperature ...

  9. Go right ahead if you want to embarrass yourself.

  10. I have been buying realestate in the Arizona Desert hoping for eventual ocean front views, don't tell me Global warming is a Gore Production.

    The internet doesn't even exist, and if it did, it definitely wasn't man made.

  11. I am with you on this one.  Sign me up.

    On a more positive note, it's entirely possible that, after the melting of the polar ice caps, a whole lot of people who didn't invest in beachfront property will nevertheless have a house on the coast - so we will die rich and happy.

    Standing at the Judgment Seat, we will say to the guy behind us in line, "Yeah, golden streets are nice.  But you shoulda seen my oceanfront house in St. Louis!"

  12. I know!  Why did he have to start making the Earth warmer.  If he didn't we wouldn't have to worry about anything.

    (Is there some sort of raid going on?)

  13. Why couldn't Al Gore just stop?  Please mommy that man is scaring me, make him stop!!!!!

  14. Dude, you embarrass yourself. Gore didn't invent GW. Wow.

  15. Heck why couldn't the Gore's stop with PMRC...

  16. Hard evidence?  You actually mean junk science...  Come on, you can't be that gullible?

    Al Gore's movie excludes quite a few facts. First is that his own hockey stick graph shows CO2 as a result of heat by about 800 years. Yes, CO2 is a result of heat and not the cause!

    Al Gore also touted this polar bear picture and even falsely had polar bears placed on the endangered list. The biologist that took the picture said, "No, that wasn't the case at all. They weren't in any danger, they weren't that far from land, they can swim. It was just a dramatic picture that I took."

    Another thing that Gore said was the by 2100, the ocean levels will increase 20 feet, when the actual number, if ALL of the ice caps melted, would be a total of about 23 inches. His own scientists told him that! If you don't believe me, then take a bathtub full of ice and throw it into a standard sized swimming pool.

    Give a scientist a living and he will give you knowledge. Give a scientist wealth and he will give you anything you want.

  17. At this point you're either stupid, or you're being obtuse on purpose:

    "Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he 'invented' the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.  The 'Al Gore said he "invented" the Internet' put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's 'Late Edition' program on 9 March, 1999.  When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part):

    'During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.'


  18. I've watched his video on global warming "An Inconvenient Truth". I was sceptical at first, but there is a lot of hard evidence and I think you would change your mind after you watched it. Also, he didn't invent it. He helped in inventing the net.

  19. Another moron spreading the ignorance!    He never said he invented the internet; he said he created it.    Think about it for awhile, the completely different meaning will eventually come to you.

  20. Dang.  I just started the Warm Earth Society and I keep getting these dopey emails from people looking for the Young Earth Society.    What a mess.  Thanks Gore.

    The internet has become a beast that even Mr. Gore couldn't have foreseen.

  21. Al Gore was already taken to court in England as skeptics like to repeat.

      The judge said there were a few discrepencies but otherwise the movie was factual.  He threw it out.

  22. Al Gore never said he invented the internet.  This is an urban legend kept alive by people like you who mistake rumor for fact.

  23. I'm in!

  24. :) I'll join your cause.

    I already have a tee shirt. Really, I do - It says "Al Gore didn't invent the internet, but he did make up Global Warming."

  25. Gore didn't invent the internet.  The department of defense did to make a distributed communications system that would be hard to attack..  He only promote it's usage for civilian society.

    Gore didn't invent global warming.  I think James Hansen raised the issue in 1980 after seeing some observations from Mount Loa (sp?) in Hawaii.  Gore only promotes awareness of the issue pretty much when scientist concluded it was a seriuos threat..  The theory has been around for a long time (someone above post since the 1800's).

    You need to attempt to check your facts instead of "inventing" them! Your question is a gross "misrepresentatiion" of reality.

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