
Why couldn't Republicans balance a budget when they had complete control of our government?

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I thought they were fiscally conservative. The last budget was balanced under a Democratic President, so why should we elect another Republican?

Bush had a rubber stamp Republican Congress and he couldn't balance the budget, and McCain has promised more of the same.

So why should we vote for irresponsible Republicans?




  1. "So why should we vote for irresponsible Republicans?"

    Well, you COULD consider the alternative.

    A few facts to chew on:

    1 - The Dem Prez you refer to is one Billy Clinton, a centrist Dem.

    2 - Obama ain't no centrist Dem.

    3 - Non-centrist Dems spend other people's money like it's free water for their lawns.

    4 - This equals continuing budget deficits.

    Got it? Good!

  2. This is why I didn't vote Republican in 2006.  But I think they learned their lesson, so I'll be voting Republican again.

  3. The problem is with politics in general.  You have too many people in congress who are happy with the status quo both republican an democrat.  They have to say they want change publicly to get reelected but when it comes to unlimited spending ability with someone else's money what do you think is going to happen?  Do you really think it will make difference if you were to vote all republican or all democrat?  They will just find other reasons to block any legislation that changes their fiscal capability.  

  4. They are called RINO and Repubicans. Real Cons balance budgets. Darn shame they had to s***w it up.

  5. I too posed a similar question.  From what I can tell Clinton is blamed for everything that happened the 1st 6 years and now the democratic congress is the root of all evil.  

    Hope that cleared it up.  Now explain it to me.

  6. each and every one of the last three fiscally responsible Republican Presidents has doubled the debt of this country.  We can't afford to have another "C" student double the massive budget that Bush will be leaving.

  7. Probably the same reason democrats didn't do either of the two things that got them the majority in 2006: get rid of Bush, and lower gas prices.

  8. hmmm...let's see....there was 9/11, Iraq, and Katrina...all unexpected charges.

  9. Because, regardless of their political ideologies, when a congressman gets into office, the lure of all that gov't money is just too hard to resist.  

  10. Because the Republican Party had the K-street lobbying machine and things like the Jack Abramoff connection running and Tom DeLay and his fellow congressional Republicans couldn't give away the U.S. Treasury fast enough to the industries and groups that helped them get into power.  John McCain admitted during the primaries on PBS News Hour interview that when they in power in Congress, the Republicans 'spent like drunken sailors'.

  11. Because they didn't work.  The 109th Congress worked less days than any Congress in modern history.

  12. Bush used that tax cut election gimmick his daddy used.  Except Bush wanted to be re-elected so he made sure he made good on the tax cuts.  Who cares if the National Debt ballooned in size?  Reagan didn't worry about it and neither would Dubya.

  13. look at Obamas faults and you got your reasons. if he didnt have the back bone to walk out on a church filled with such hate and racism , what makes you think he could balance the budget or run a nation, defend our country, lower the price of gas or any other promises he has said he will do. ? bout time you woke up and came out from your obama cloud. i am a registered dem and have been voting a long time, this time i am voting republican , and the reason is this , i want a strong defense , and a man with knowledge and experience and a back bone! i think i been around long enough to spot a phoney when i see one.

  14. GREED.

  15. I say don't vote for irresponsible politicians period..BUT Bill Clinton isn't responsible for that balanced budget.The republican ran house and the dot com boom is.

  16. Oh really in when  in wartime did you ever see a balanced budget. The only reason it was balanced in the 90s is because we had a Republican Congress that blocked every afford by clinton and his people to either raise taxes or increase spending.

    We could have done it in the last 8 years if clinton had taked the time off his "busy" schedule to take care of Al Quada. Of course that might have interfered in all those other activities he had, but the sacrifice should have been made.

  17. You're funny.  The Dem president you mentioned fought tooth and nail against that balanced budget, but the Republican House and Senate forced it upon him.  He only took credit when it worked.

    The reason is that even when the Repubs don't balance the budget, they do a much better job of controlling spending than the Dems do.  For example, Obama's policies would increase our spending by $850 billion over what it is now.

  18. The balanced budget under the democratic president had republicans in congress.  And neocon's aren't true conservatives.

  19. No, they weren't fiscally conservative and that's why voters like me voted for the Democrat challenger. If Republicans are going to act like Democrats, then let's just put the Democrats in power.

  20. As a true conservative, I am extremely irritated by the Republicans and believe they have done a huge disservice to our Nation.

    I reject any form of Marxism/Communism/Socialism.

    I will never vote for a Democrat for that very reason and will do everything in my power to throw out all of them and every Republican who acts like a RINO.

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