
Why couldnt McCain have picked a woman with something to bring to the table?

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There were plenty of other well qualified females he could have picked. This is what I think, I think he chose the youngest most weakest female he could find. That way if the democrats try to hassle her it will seem like men beating up on the poor little girl. And that might be smart if that was McCain's intention but you have to admit there were plenty of other well qualified woman he could have chosen.




  1. Read her resume, she's very qualified.  She's fought "big oil" and won, got rid of corruption in AK and has been out incumbents for her seat.

  2. I think this was a strange choice for him as well.  He can now no longer attack Obama for his lack of experience.  Sarah Palin, 2 years ago was a nobody, playing hockey with her kids.  And he can no longer attack Obama for being a "celebrity" policitian.  Sarah Palin was recently on Vogue Mag, and on Alaska magazine as "America's Hottest Gov. More than just a pretty face."

    Is McCain trying to snag Hiliary voters still disgruntled at Obama?  

    I wonder...

    I think McCain just lost all his arguments against Obama with his pick.

    Not a good choice for McCain.

  3. I don't see anything wrong picking the Governor of a state with an in excess of an 80% approval rating.  Right off the bat she's got more experience than Obama.  She has run a state government and done a bang up job at it.  Obama has spent 143 days in the Senate and never been the head of any governing body, not even a small town Mayor.  So now both Republican candidates have more experience than Obama.

  4. You're showing your ignorance in public.  Why don't you inform yourself about this candidate, then you might understand why she was chosen.

  5. He did!  Palin is a Great choice and she will make a Wonderful VP!

    She has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska), she ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending, she's about as far outside the Beltway as you can get, plus she's actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama & Biden have been leading NO one!

    Also among other things, her son is about to deploy to Iraq, she's an ice fisherman, a moose hunter, a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member. And she shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot!


  6. If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken.

    The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

    Sen. McCain had so many other options if he wanted to put a woman on his ticket, such as Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison or Sen. Olympia Snowe -- they would have been an appropriate choice compared to this dangerous choice.

    In addition, Sarah Palin is under investigation by the Alaska state legislature, which makes this more incomprehensible.

  7. the only thing sarah brings to the table is dinner.

  8. Are you kidding? With her executive experience, history of fighting corruption, steadfast core moral beliefs that she backs up with ACTIONS, youth and vitality, McCain couldn't go wrong. Sarah Palin, as the Vice Presidential nominee, is invigorating and energizing the conservative base of the Republican party that was wary of voting for John McCain. That in itself brings more to the table than near any other nominee.

  9. That is the question of the day!  There are a host of Repub women he could have chosen, yet he picked the weakest candidate. She admitted last month that she wasn't really sure what the VP even does.  Huh???

    He just picked a woman, any woman.  That being said, I'm sure she's a lovely woman...just not for VP!  Laughable, but their stuck with it.

  10. McCain wis serious about changing how Washington works, so who better to bring than someone who also has a record of fighting corruption and special interests groups. Someone with a record of legislative reform. Someone who does reach across party lines.

    He didn't select Pilan simply because Hillary had 18million votes, although they will definatley go after those votes, both male and female votes

  11. Name another well qualified woman?

    McCain's pick may have been to intentionally select someone with minimal experience just so the Democrats could ponder what us Republicans have been saying for months: that selecting inexperienced candidates is a bad idea.  At any rate, while she's new to politics, she is a governor, and being a governor is the next closest experience to being a president.

  12. There's several reasons he chose Palin.  First, she's actually pretty hot, and you know republicans are all chauvinistic, just look @ fox news.  Second, she offers youth, which McCain has none of.  Third, she's a traditional conservative.  and Fourth, they hope she can be the fire to cancel out obama

  13. Why couldn't Obama pick the qualified woman that had 18 million democrat votes?

  14. It's obvious, his judgment is severely flawed.  Is that the kind of judgment you want in the White House?  One that simply panders and solves nothing?

  15. I smell democrat desperation.

  16. He is showing Americans his judgement ability. Seriously i will not vote for him again. This is what is called risky.

  17. He didn't want anyone who would challenge all of Bush's policies that he plans on continuing.

  18. If he didn't, wouldn't you be happy?  You don't sound happy.

  19. Cause he makes bad decisions.

    1.  He opted to remain a prisoner of war even when his captors were begging to let him go.

    2.  He hasn't had an original thought since the Reagan administration

    3.  He just discovered the internet and did not realize that there were other governors around to choose from.

  20. Yup. He could have picked Condi Rice. But she is not white and not pretty enough.

  21. This was a shock, but I do see where his campaign is trying to go with this: MORE HILLARY VOTERS.  I'm sure she is a wonderful person but this gimmicky move will backfire.  

  22. According to a of pigs in this forum, she brings a lot of T and A and little else.

  23. this is OBVIOUSLY some sort os scheme. Till today, i've never heard of this women "pullin". I think he's just trynna out do Obama.... He's so busy worrying about what obamas doing, that hes making dumb decisions thats could ruin the LITTLE chance he have or had of becomin the next Pres. by making dumb choices. Hes TOO old, he can barely lift up his left arms, and i dont believe a single word that comes out of this mans mouth. we need a democrat in office and we need change. the riches have enough, let the less fortunate get some help and attention for once. it been 8 years dude!

    and plus their wer PLENTY of other men and women mccain could have choosen. whyd he pick her. he shoulda picked a MAN.... i just dont think women should have all that pressure and all these lifes on thier hand b/c of our emotional statablity. and she has a family of 5......wrong move Mccain

  24. Carly Fiorina would have been better--unapologetically woman, modern, business-savyy. Palin looks like what I think a right-wing whale-hugger would look like. (Not that whale-hugging is inherently bad.)

  25. All the other ones were ugly?

  26. Pragmatically its an insult to women, but more particularly those who supported Senator Hillary Clinton.  

  27. Happy with his choice

    mccain / palin 2008

  28. Well it isn't saying much for an Alaskan magazine to call her the hottest governor..Have you been there?!  Ppl are jacked!  Anyways, he could've picked anyone.  He chose her.  Nobody knows what he was thinking except him and a few other ppl.  It's done now..let's just see who wins

  29. Hillary told him no

  30. Look at what she's done in 2 years as governor! Is 80%+ approval rating and the most-liked governor in America not enough for you?

  31. Even Kay Bailey Hutchinson was SHOCKED by his decision. Looks like he shot himself in the foot, but only time will tell.

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