
Why covering and refrigerating food helps to reduce spoilage from moulds or molds?

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Why covering and refrigerating food helps to reduce spoilage from moulds or molds?




  1. It locks the air in, so it can't spoil.

  2. Covering reduces the number of spores and bacteria that land on it.  And refrigerating slows the growth of any spore or bacteria on the food.  Living thing generaly don't like cold or hot temperatures.

  3. Refrigeration slows down the growth of microbes (bacteria & pathogens- harmful microscopic organisms).

    Bacteria prefer warmer temperatures, they don't reproduce well in temperatures of below 5 Degrees Celsius. The average Fridge is 4 Degrees Celsius.

    Bacteria cause food spoilage, so by covering foods up and putting them in the fridge, you are slowing down the growth of bacteria, and hence increasing the shelf life of the food.

    Moulds are NOT bacteria however. Mould spores are smaller than bacteria and fruit and vegetables should certainly be washed before consumption.

  4. It stops the process of rotting. When something is covered no bacteria can get in which is a reason why foods mould faster. At least that's what I learned.

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