
Why cricket not most watched sport in australia?

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australians r best in the world as far as cricket is concerned ..and they are ruling cricketing world since last one decade...then y is cricket not most watched sport in australia? i mean if u look at soccer brazil is best and italy is also current world champion..the reoson behind this is they worship footbal...but australians are not as crazy for cricket as the are for afl or netball or rugby...then why r they best...and 1billion indians who worship cricket are not the best...?




  1. Where are you getting your stats from??

    I'd say cricket IS the most watched sport in Australia - definitely more popular than netball and NRL!!!!

  2. Because Australia has a very mixed population with people from all around the world,so you have the Greek population watching the soccer(no interest in Cricket)The English watching the Soccer,Rugby and occasionally the cricket.

    It is also a summer sport so most Aussies will be at the beach not watching there TV.

  3. Because people are more passionate about, AFL and in my case NRL.

  4. Because Cricket is very boring

  5. Firstly, I'm pretty sure more people watch cricket than netball!

    2nd, the fact that Australia are the best at cricket, with often the result being a foregone conclusion makes it a little boring, the recent ashes series when there was a contest or a perceived one was one of the most highly anticipated and watched sports.

    3rd, Australians aren't mad on just one sport, we're mad for several sports, which is unusual, but it means we are good at several sports

  6. because  Aussie rules is the best sport in the world,and the  most watched sport in Australia by far,with the biggest crowds on average and literally in terms of numbers week in week out.

    cricket would be no.1 in summer sports with soccer probably a close second.

  7. Too boring.

  8. Perhaps Australians have plenty of other things to do in Summer.  This time of year is traditionally for a combination of going to the beach, having dinner parties, lazing around on cool evenings with friends, taking annual holidays to other countries and coastal areas, fishing, boating, barbecues and drinking cold beers at the local pub.

    Cricket is interesting but not life.

  9. coz australians are the best in the world

    and crickets s-hit why watch it when you could watch the nrl

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