
Why da white people always gots to be hateing on da brothers?

by  |  earlier

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white people always be hateing. As soon as a brother gets his the white man always gotta try to take it away. white people also make stuff harder fo the black man. computers fo example they made to be easy for ehite men but hard to figre out for black people just trying to come up.




  1. Not true there are a lot of black that are good with computers. I do think though we should take rap music from you lol. It has outlived it's welcome.

  2. I don't hate you,  but questions like that make me wonder if their is a reason that people don' t like you.

  3. I am sorry if that has been your experience, but you are also missing a lot of cool people out there who are not hating on anybody. Look for a different crowd! You deserve better friends.

  4. why da black people always got a story about how hard it is and why they can't achieve anything?


  5. I'm sure you are not black. But I will say that statistically blacks have the lowest education, highest crime in the USA.

    I have heard more than one black person say, "to act smart is being white". They just are putting down their entire race in that one statement.

    The day that blacks acknowledge that they alone are holding themselves back is the day they move forward.

    Ask any black lawyer, pro ball player, business owner, teacher, doctor, entertainer, etc. if they feel they have been held down by "the man".

    your typing of your statement is proof enough that you lack intelligence and general respect of yourself.

    Think before acting...

  6. to you my dear brother,

    i regretfully inform you that "white people" are the least of your concerns. and "hating" is not just a white/black thing. people hate on people (of all forms), and that is life. because you can say

    -men hate on women

    -women hate on men

    -black hate on blacks

    -rich hate on poor

    the list is endless..... but the actions of a some do not account for a whole race. i know people of all of races who have done some not so nice things but i also know people who have done very great things for me.

    i will not pretend there is a level playing field... hence the commonly used term, "disadvantaged" or "under-privilaged" which is used to describe lower-income citizens and black people just so happen to make a large majority of this group. so i understand your feeling that others have a head start but we have had great leader that have done a lot to propel us forward, and it is our turn to continue the race. our generation must continue what they laid the foundation for.

    we complained about education and what happened, they took it upon themselves to build Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) but what good is it if we wont attend them or any other school for that matter?

    No life is not fair but perhaps you should read a poem by Langston Hughes called 'Mother to Son' (and since these computers can be so tricky which i find hard to believe since you find out how to get on here, i've provided the poem for you)

    Well, son, I'll tell you:

    Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

    It's had tacks in it,

    And splinters,

    And boards torn up,

    And places with no carpet on the floor --


    But all the time

    I'se been a-climbin' on,

    And reachin' landin's,

    And turnin' corners,

    And sometimes goin' in the dark

    Where there ain't been no light.

    So boy, don't you turn back.

    Don't you set down on the steps

    'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.

    Don't you fall now --

    For I'se still goin', honey,

    I'se still climbin',

    And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

    so no young brother... life hasnt been fair. it wasnt then and its not now but that does not mean you give in and say "oh well, we the victim". get educated! people can be prejudice but success is not! we have come a long way and now is not the time to concern yourself with what others will not do for you.

    ask not what others can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for you!

  7. we made computers specifically to make sure blacks couldnt use them. if this is a white person posing as a black guy, this is very funny. if this is really a black guy, you're not doing your race a favor.

  8. Are you serious??? Come on...this sounds racist! You have the same opportunities that anyone else has. You sound ignorant by saying they make stuff harder for the black man and easy for the white man. You need to get a book and read up on how to work a computer if you are having trouble...just like anyone else would do if they couldn't figure it out. Sheesh, stop blaming others and take responsibility!!!!

  9. OK - all of you repliers amaze me. It is obvious to anyone who is not ignorant that the person who originated this post is a white racist that is trying to bait people (or a person who is trying to expose your ignorance by baiting you).  I can't believe you people took the bait. The repliers have just proved to me that just because you know how to use a computer does not make you intelligent.

    I am not going to pretend that I don't know where your beliefs are coming from. But you have shown me that the vast majority of America is blind.  If you were to have actual conversations with black people from all walks of life, you would realize that not all black people make the statements that you are claiming they make, nor is there any such thing any more (if ever there was) as the monolithic black belief system that you are inventing.  If I had to listen to you people's bullshit all day, I would have rage-induced hypertension.

    You all have reminded me, among other things, that Ronald Reagan set America back intellectually about 100 years.

    I'm so astonished that I cannot continue this post.

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