
Why damage to Serbia is approved by leading countries?

by Guest57236  |  earlier

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How can you cut a part of someone's body and say it's OK? Which of you will agree to give a part of your motherland to newcomers just because they want it that way while you and your people have to escape this land due to the pressure?

Leading countries support this action, what is their point, any bonus for them?




  1. I apologize for Clinton

    There are many of us who realise that 1) there was no genocide and 2) it was a land grab for natural gas resources and routes and 3) it was to cover up local scandals

    It may have also been saxafon envy

  2. Member states of The United Nation adhere to the idea of self-determination. This line of reasoning suggest that the inhabitants of a given land has the right to establish their own government.

  3. The leading powers want to destabilize the Balkans for economic reasons. People and companies do not do business in areas that have ethnic and political strife. The EU knows this and since Germany, France and the U.K. are far from the action - they benefit. Countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and Greece DO NOT benefit and suffer in consequence.

    Further, the U.S wants to set up bases in the future to face a false threat they perceive to be Russia.

    The Albanians are being used but they don't realize this.


  4. The reason is pretty simple. War criminals shouldn't waste time complaining about their motherland. Haven't you people killed enough non-Serbians to satisfy your blood lust.

    Newcomers? According to you punk. They've been there for a long time. The Ottoman Turks and the Albanians drove the last of the Serbs out well over a century ago. The Serbian Army had a big battle in Kosovo more than 600 years ago and it's still your excuse for the inexcusable.

      And Serbians have committed atrocities against Albanians in Kosovo for more years than we can count. Kosovo is 92 percent Albanian in ethnic extraction. The number of Serbians has never been high.

    Serbia brought this on itself. Your war criminal murdering president Milosevich decided he was going to control things directly and took away their autonomy, which they'd enjoyed for years, in part to resolve the problem of other, earlier Serbian war crimes. You Serbians forced yourselves on Kosovo and you kept threatening them after having committed massacres or caused them all over what used to be called Yugoslavia.

    Almost no one wants anything to do with a nation of war criminals looking for trouble. You don't have any friend.

    Most of your former leaders are in hiding to avoid trial for crimes against humanity ... and you come up with this self-righteous c**p. You made a bad bed and now you have to sleep in something of your own making.

    But it's not part of your motherland. It's not part of Serbia and it is only Serbian conceit and stupidity that claims it ever has been. YOU are the invaders of this improverished place. Maybe if it weren't for nascent war criminals like you, other people wouldn't be so afraid of having you around. There are a handful of Serbians in Kosovo and you've used them as an excuse forever for war crimes. Just as you did in Bosnia. Montenegro and Slovenia and Macedonia just don't want anything to do with you people until you regain your sanity. Milosevich is dead. Be grateful or you might have had the spectacle of your president being hung for war crimes -- except they don't use the death penalty.

    Serbia behaved like an outlaw nation and it engaged in ethnic cleansing in its disgusting program to create a Greater Serbia. When an outlaw nation like Serbia destabilizes a region through the meglomania of its leaders and the sheeplike people who follow them, they should not be surprised that people don't want to be part of a country filled with murderous pigs. Serbia engaged in extensive war crimes in Kosovo and now you want us to feel sorry for you. There aren't enough Serbians in Kosovo to justify denying the area. Serbians committed war crimes all around them. They had no business in Bosnia and they have no business in Kosovo. If Serbians choose to live there, that's between them and Kosovo. I hope no one kills them, but that's a grace Serbia didn't give as it's army and hired killers spread out imitating n**i Germany with genocide in village after village.

    Serbian extremists are a world curse. It was a Serbian nationalist extremist, Gavrilo Princep, who murdered Franz Ferdinand. The Serbian military was involved in illegal activities then, just as they were while they were engaging in the elimination of ethnic groups they didn't want in their "Greater Serbia."

    Serbia has gone looking for trouble long enough. Your war criminals and murdering leadership has done enough damage. You keep starting wars and you keep losing them. And you'll keep losing them because your leadership is thickhead and stupid - apart from being criminals.

    Try doing something different for a change. Read a little history beyond your national propoganda. Stop trying to raise a bunch of murdering Arkan Tigers as your national heros, triumphing in the murder of women, babies and old men who can't hold their pants up.  Where is your national coward, Arkan the Terrible. Where is Milosevich and what happened to him. He died in a jail cell, a man who killed himself rather than face the punishment he deserved. He was a common murdering piece of scum -- just on a bigger scale.

    What did you and your family do to stop this? What are you doing now? Looking for more trouble and more people to murder.

    Serbia started a war and ethnic cleansing, genocide, and it must bear this guilt for many decades and learn from its mistakes. You started a war. You lost it and now you complain because it's costing you something (and it's not Kosovo). Serbia keeps starting wars and losing and each time it loses more. All you're doing is feeding the crows.

    Serbia needs to change its attitude. There are plenty of good people there but the wrong people have run things. Try giving peace a chance. And try  being nice to your neighbors instead of trying to murder them all.

    Every country in the world needs to work harder and peace. Serbia tried to use the tiny percentage of Serbians in Kosovo as a reason to keep dragging out negotiations as though there was some great stake. You've got a nice piece of country. Live in it and expand your influence through good will and trade.

    Self-determination is a long time rule. It might never have been invoked had Milosevich behaved like a president instead of a common murdering thug. Where was your army? Helping out murdering swine.

    What part of your body did you leave in Kosovo? Your p***s or your brain? There are probably plenty of spare parts from the Serbia massacres to  replace it. People have been running from Serbia long enough. No one will ever trust Serbia with power or a military again. Get more conspirators and you will deserve to be bomed into oblivion  -- or maybe just carved up into a few more pieces, until finally you have nothing but a rump Serbia of only war criminals. Serbia murdered its parents and now claims it's an orphan. Boo Hoo!

  5. it is not ur god d**n mother land we have lived there long before you people were in that area, you got it takin away because your government were evil, killing women and children and old men and throwing them in ditches does not get you things you want, with ur Serbian government you could be second worst to the n***s with all the people you have killed not just Albanians, but Bosnians also you people make me sick and im glad you got what you deserve, as i have said before serbs took Kosovo by force, we took it by peace.  Here is to a Free Kosovo and a greater Albania. p.s. i don't hate Serbians as a whole just you people that are clearly ignorant and support all the slaughtering of innocent people.

  6. Serbs never bow.

    Serbs never invaded any foreign land.

    Serbs did not agree with Turkish occupation of 500 years, Serbs fought a war ( while Albanians were sleeping and being friends with them ) and shared the land with all people.

    Serbs did not agree with Austro-Hungarian occupation, Serbs fought a war  ( while Albanians were sleeping ) and shared the land with all people.

    Serbs did not agree with n**i occupation, Serbs fought a war ( while Albanians were sleeping and being friends with them ) and shared the land with all people.

    Serbs did not agree with US foreign politics and for centuries is a friend with Russia. Serbia was brutally attacked and embargo made life impossible. Serbs lost the unfair war ( while Albanians were watching and digging graves for Serbs lost 'by mistake' or 'in a friendly fire' while cowardly back-stubbing Serbian state by being friends with the enemy and a traitor of the own country) but shared the land with all people.

    And now Albanians want a separate country...traitors and cowards want a country.....a country on Serbian land.......Kosovo is sacred land of Serbian history, Serbian Patriarchy is in Peć, monasteries and churches from Serbian medieval history are in Kosovo........

    What is your opinion? Whose land is it?

    Serbs never bow.

    We are a proud nation.

    We do not sell our souls.

    We do not steal.

    We do not give what is ours.

    Our children are proud of their parents.

    Nobody can point a finger at them saying that their parents ever sold their soul to the devil.

    Kosovo was Serbian and always will be.

    Thank you.

  7. What about dirty Serbs always killing others. They do just as much damage as others.

  8. The western rich countries had a UN nation mandate to find peace among ethnic albanians and Servia and they betrayed this mission Why?; their recognition of Kosovo independence is against they own mission. Dialogue between serbia and ethnic albanians is the best way to sponsor.

  9. thank you for being an educated person.

  10. I can understand why a Serbian would be none too happy right now. Within the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Serbia enjoyed a primus inter pares (first amongst equals) status. Now, all the other constituent republics have left and the former Yugoslavia is no more and with it Serbia's power and prestige has been seriously dented.

    I can understand both as a Briton and an Englishman. I live in a state which is comprised of four home nations - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England within the UK is much like Serbia was within the former SFRY: clearly they are/were the biggest player amongst the constituent parts. Now, if someone were to tell me that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland had declared independence, I would feel a little miffed (in much the same way the Serbs felt when Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, etc broke away). And to then have Cornwall(an integral part of England which does foster its own very strong regional identity and has its own language), for example, declare its independence, I would feel very upset!

    However, if that is their genuine wish, then no degree of force will prevent them from eventually realising this desire and breaking away. If that would mean the end of the United Kingdom, and losing a part of England then so be it. That is the nature of self-determination.

  11. Personally I think they are trying to de-stabilize Serbia - through a chain of events put in play during the break up of Yugoslavia.

    Sun Tzu is paraphrased in the art of war as saying the only thing worth fighting for is the integrity of the land that is the country.

  12. avoiding a war for one and minding your own house for two

  13. Yugoslavia fall apart after Tito. The new countries are Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and now Kosovo. Perhaps it is better if those countries are independent than being forced to live under a centralized power, which does not work.

  14. Oh pleeeeeease

    we live in a democratic world don't we?

    let Kosovans only who decide how they want their state to be

    Republic of Kosovo, is the reality take it or leave it

    Again I'm not Albanian nor Serbian, I look how the situation is and tell the best I can

    BTW, "cut a part of someone's body" is a bad comparison


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