
Why deny the most powerful heatsource, THE SUN?

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In your little models and graphs why isn't the sun taken into account for increased heat? We are in the sun's atmosphere!




  1. Your stupid....there is no such thing as the was made up by the government and we all live in a glass dome like in the movies....or the Matrix.  Still not sure at this point.

    By the way...I'm a sniper

    Thank you for ALL the thumbs down.  Shows how out of touch we are as society, and how we are getting dumber as a nation.

  2. 1) We are not "in the sun's atmosphere" although we are dependent upon solar radiation

    2) The sun HAS been considered and taken into account in so much as it has been found unlikely to have a significant impact upon increased warming; variations in solar output simply do not correlate to recent planetary warming

    The IPCC found that "the maximum likely influence of solar" fluctuations on climate change is just 20%.

    Recent analysis has shown that "the sun's activity has been decreasing since 1985, [yet] global temperatures have continued to rise" and that "the issue of whether the sun's activity is causing global warming had been dispensed with by most scientists long ago."

  3. Gee, I don't think any scientist ever thought of that.

    Oh wait, yes they did and the sun's irradiance is at a low point.

  4. It is considered.  The estimates of climate change consider orbital and solar factors (the natural causes of warming).  Look at figures 4 and 5 on page 6 and read about it.

  5. LOL. Solar variations are taken into account by Climate models. That started back in the 80's.

    And as others have already pointed out to you, there has NOT been an "increased heat" from the sun that could have caused the recent warming.

  6. Because solar radiation has been DECREASING (slightly) while temperatures are rising.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1880

    News article at:

  7. I think you're confused, even the skeptics take the sun into account, they just ignore the atmosphere.

  8. very true.  the earths heating trends are more closely related to solar activity than CO2 emissions.  i think its crazy how people think that we can have more of an effect on the planet than the sun.

  9.     It has long been known that there is a relationship between climate and solar activity. When there are more sunspots, the climate is warmer. sunspot activity peaked about  the same time global temp did ,1998.  sunspot activity has reached a real low point in the cycle, since about 2007 - this corresponds to low temperatures  lately. It snowed in bagdad and jerusalem last winter, and china had a blizzard which was apparently way more than the usual. Of course, weather events can only be used to assert AGW, not to deny, Right?

          I don't think climate scientists are idiots, but the political hacks who seek to obstruct and control energy usage by misrepresenting the "concensus" clearly are  lying, hypocritical, idiots whose main arguments are assertions of unanimity, and obfuscation of the issue.

          Their position on the link between sunspots and climate, for instance, is an obfuscation about how less sunspots allow more cosmic radiation to cause more clouds. so reduced sunspots don't count? huh? Doesn't matter what the causative link is, people noticed the correspondance, and knew that less sunspots means " get ready for a cold spell". and this has been known for centuries.

       here's a link about solar activity, and one with a clear explanation of the skeptics veiw of global warming.

  10. The sun is a tiny fireball millions of miles away. It's no threat at all ;)

  11. Simple - If people were smart enough to determine the Sun was the source for all of the Earth's warmth, then they wouldn't be receptive to increased taxes and greater restrictions on their freedoms and liberties.  Politicians would have nothing to do, as they wouldn't be able to "fix" the problem!

    Habibullo Abdusamatov, head of the space research laboratory at the St. Petersburg-based Pulkovo Observatory, said global warming stems from an increase in the sun's activity. His view contradicts the international scientific consensus that climate change is attributable to the emission of greenhouse gases generated by industrial activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

    "Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy - almost throughout the last century - growth in its intensity," Abdusamatov told RIA Novosti in an interview

  12. No it will never happen. It is everything to us it is used to dry clothes, for light and many more it will never be demolished!

  13. Of course the Sun is taken into account.  Look you can see it right here:

    Just out of curiosity, why do you think climate scientists are idiots?

    Here is a discussion I just wrote detailing just some of the evidence showing that the Sun is not responsible for the recent warming:

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