
Why developing countries industrialize?

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1. why developing countries industrialize?

2. what are the advantages of industrialization?

3. what are the ENVIRONMENTAL problems associated with industrialisation?

4. ways to tackle/ solve these problem?




  1. they industrialize because it generates profit it also expands the import and export ratio creates more jobs for poverty stricken areas opens up trade with other countries creates a econimic growth. smog drained water resources natural habitats destroyed farm land ruind. crerate enviromental agencies promote awareness of ecological dangers in certain areas

  2. Why developing country is going to be industrialize {I} people of the country unemployed {II} general mass people will get more or less Job {III} Environmental a little bit may be problem ,but plain wise industrialization its all right. {IV}When this type of country industrialization problem will automatically salved. The men and the country will be very peaceful.

  3. 1.  Developing countries industrialize because it generates revenue for the country.

    2.  Finished/industrialized goods are worth much more than raw materials, there are more ways for people to make a living and more jobs and money to provide, and creating your own manufactured goods means that you don't have to import it which saves a lot of money as well.

    3.  Many industrial jobs create a lot of exhaust that pollutes the air and waste that is damaging to the ground and water supplies.

    4.  If we knew some really good ways to solve these problems we wouldn't have so many problems with global warming  :P

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