
Why did'nt Bush order the weather name Gustav hurriCAIN MAC, to promote his campaign?

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Why did'nt Bush order the weather name Gustav hurriCAIN MAC, to promote his campaign?




  1. Names for hurricanes are chosen in alphabetical order at least a year prior to the current season. The president has nothing to do with it--duh. Keep on tokin'.

  2. The names of hurricanes are chosen prior to storm season and are allocated alphabetically on a first come first serve basis. No hurricane beginning with the letter M will appear until later on in the season.

    Personally, I want to know what Bush is going to do about all of these hurricanes. Why can't he just lock them up in Guantanamo bay or something?

  3. They already have the hurricanes named years in advance!

  4. There is a methodology to naming hurricanes.  The one barreling down on New Orleans had to have a guy's name that began with "G".  John McCain doesn't want the focus of the convention to be on "George".

  5. Maybe because you are too stoned to know the National Weather Service has them already named before hurricane season.

  6. because he was waiting for obama to wave his mighty hand and make it go away.

  7. Why didn't the 'chosen one" wave his magic wand over it or 'negotiate" with the hurricane?

    McCain will WIN in 08  

  8. There's a difference between being a president and being a king. President Bush can't "order" to change the names of hurricanes as he pleases. Besides, I don't really think naming something that destroys homes and causes hardship for a lot of families after a candidate would help their campaign very much.

  9. With great anticipation we await the arrive of the Messiah to calm the waters of the Gulf.

    Any idea when his bus arrives?

  10. Hurricanes aren't named by the President.

    Keep tokin' bro.

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