
Why did'nt Obama pick Hillary?

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  1. Too much drama...

  2. They hate each other.  

  3. because obama is a stooge

  4. Because Hillary Clinton makes Obama look bad basically

    they arent a good team  

  5. If she had been nicer he would've picked her

  6. The same reason a dog can l**k its privates, because it can

  7. I think ur asking the wrong ppl.

    Unless Obama answers ur question!

    Does he have a profile? Lol.

  8. because then there would be a 2 headed presidentt!

  9. BECAUSE Hillary was nasty as all h**l during the PRIMARIES. Save that sort of smashing for the general election.

    She shot herself in the foot and lost out

  10. I don't have this answer, so I doubt I'll be picked for best answer.


    I would bet Obama is asking himself this question over and over again now. He enjoyed a six point bump from his conventions. 1/3 of what Kerry got.

  11. cuz he's not psychic.


  12. When you say Hillary you would also get Bill.  Kinda of a package deal.  I am proud of his choice!! :-}  

  13. You cant steal all of her ideals from years ago and have her standing there to remind everyone he doesnt have game.

  14. Everyone knows this. It's because he didn't want Bill hanging around the WHite  House trying to take over.

    I love Bill but I admit I think he would have done just that.

  15. With the Clinton track record of mysterious deaths amongst those who have crossed them, that would be one reason.

    Think, Obama=JFK, Hillary=LBJ. That didn't work out very well for JFK.

    If you were Obama, would you want a former President dropping in on you from time to time?

    After trashing each other throughout the primaries, would it not be hypocritical to try and make their respective supporters believe there is now unity?


  16. the man is bitter and angry. He dissed the 18 million voters of Hillary for the 5,000 of Biden and he will get what he deserves - HILLARY SUPPORTERS FOR McCAIN!!

  17. She wants to be the Top  Dog- I thought you knew this

  18. ""It would have undermined his authority and sent the signal that he could not stand on his own feet.""

    Yea and picking Biden who said Obama wasnt ready to be president and also that Biden doesnt represent any kind of 'change' is also a signal that he cant stand on his own feet.

    "Sociald well I was not addressing his choice for VP. I was addressing the question. :)"  

    I know I was just adding to it.

  19. There are plenty of theories about this, but I heard on MSNBC during the convention that Michelle Obama might've taken Barack aside and said that she doesn't want to see Hillary on the ticket. I see a lot of Hillary in Michelle: a strong, career-driven woman, devoted wife and mother, and wanting her husband to succeed in his goals. However, they're also both alpha-females. I don't think Michelle would've got along with Hillary, especially with all the stuff Hillary said about Barack.

  20. It is really simple. The next request will be for him to move away, step aside and let the real leader lead.

  21. Probably because he knew that someone would have him offed so Hillary could be President.

  22. It would have undermined his authority and sent the signal that he could not stand on his own feet.

    Sociald  well I was not addressing his choice for VP.  I was addressing the question. :)

  23. Ask Vince Foster!

  24. He's afraid that if he wins, this will be the first time that the VP is acually more valuable than the President.

  25. Because he would have received FAR LESS independent/republican swing voters.  

  26. Same reason McCain didn't pick Mitt or Huckabee, obviously she would not compliment his ticket.. or balance.. or in McCain's case pander to female voters..If Obama chose hillary McShame voters would have said he only picked her to get the female votes.. No McGuts..

  27. They have totally different styles. I think Obama could have handled Clinton just fine on one level, but when you consider Bill, and the possible resentment she harbored then it just was not a good idea.

    I will say Hillary looked better to me after the fact than she has ever looked. For the first time she made it about the party and about America, rather than about Hillary. She also fought with an unbelievable resilience.

    Also why please tell me is it any of the Republicans concern either way?? They just, as always, want to distract everyone from the issue at hand. If they can reel in the Hillary supporters by insinuating that they were stupid enough to vote for McCain because they are sore losers...

  28. Why didn't Hillary want to be picked? Hmmm? Doesn't she have the RIGHT to decline the VP position since as a strong woman, advocating women's rights and advancement, it would be offensive to be subservient to a man?

  29. hmmm..........satan!!!!!!!

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