
Why did Agathat Christie write And Then There Were None?

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Well, I am doing summer reading and my book is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. I have a report due, but one of the questions is Why did the author write this book? Can someone tell me?




  1. Agatha Christie (bless her soul) liked to intrigue or to irritate the H^ll out of her readers - - - -opinion is mixed.  'And then there was None' was a challenge; how to write a mystery in which everyone was a suspect and no one survived to tell the tale.  Writers do that;; they pose a challenge to themselves and then proceed to write.  I must preface this by saying that I enjoy reading Christie BUT, when one comes to the conclusion of many of her stories one tends to throw the book against the wall while casting damnation upon her very soul in sheer frustation at having not picked up that one teeny tiny clue often inserted at the quarter mark.  But I am getting off track; quite simply the storyline presented a challenge Christie felt imspired to resolve in her fashion.  

    Note for mystery writers there are 'locked room' mysteries and a variation is the 'isolated location,' a place wherein all the players are suspect.  This tale falls in that later category.  Note that the original title is no longer Politically Correct..........


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