
Why did Albert Einstein impact the world?

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wondering if anyone can find out why Einstein wanted to impact the world or influence it thnx!!




  1. He gave the world Special and General Relativity. Which, along with Quantum Mecanics, describes the nature and forces that is our universe.  Without General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, we would know next to nothing about how the universe really works, both on the grandest of scales and on the tiniest of scales.  Even today, both exacting field equations are making new predictions about every aspect of our realm.  General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are probably two of the greatest achievements of human kind.  Especially if somehow the field equations for General Relativity can be meshed with those of Quantum Mechanics, scientists would then have a theory of everything (TOE).  This would explan all about the 4, maybe 5, natural forces of nature and the universe itself.  We would have the complete book on the universe and, on every single thing in it. There would be nothing new to discover.  That is how powerful a force Einstein's contribution to humanity and to scientific knowledge was and is.

    Einstein simply wanted the world to know the truth.

    See: EINSTEIN: His Life and Universe

    by Walter Isaacson

    ISBN: 13-978-0-7432-6473-0

  2. Yes, anyone can find out. All one needs to do is type the name "Einstein" into one's search box, and the internet will provide more information about him than you could possibly use. It's called research - learn how to do it on your own.

  3. Why?  He was a physicist.  Finding answers to how the world works is what they do.  Its basically curiosity on steroids.  He had no desire to impact the world.  Previously scientists toiled in relative obscurity.  Well, maybe not Sir Isaac Newton, but he's an exception.  Somehow Einstein became the scientific equivalent of a rock star.  Everyone knew who he was and pretended to understand some of his works.  It was fashionable.  But he never planned it.  He was just curious.  

  4. For many many many reasons. The biggest being his formular E=mc2 which means energy and mass are interchangeable. If you set paper on fire it gives off heat, light and ash in the form of energy. Added together it totals exactly the same. It just changed form. As with splitting the atom it creates sheer energy, whereas in the big bang the exact opposite happened. All the matter in the universe came from one really small but nearly infinitely powerful explosion. They just changed form :)  So he figured a lot of things out and proved his theories too. Allthough a genius he is not classed as the most clever to live.... Newton holds that title.  

  5. E=MC2  

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