
Why did America fear of communism and the Domino theory? / what did it do to overcome the two?

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Why did America fear of communism and the Domino theory? / what did it do to overcome the two?




  1. Well basically, we didn't like communism in general, and with good reason. It deprived people of basic rights and certain goods. The domino theory was simply the theory that if a communist nation had enough power, its neighboring countries would also fall to communism. We tried to fight this with things such as the Marshall Plan soon after World War II, by giving help to countries in need before the USSR could. We joined the Korean War in an attempt to stop North Korea, allied with the USSR, from taking over South Korea and making it communist. We tried to do the same thing in Vietnam, but didn't a very good job as the North and South did become one nation. With Cuba, we were very worried, especially when the missile crisis occurred. However, we never really made a move. We just sat patiently and hoped nuclear war wasn't started.

  2. because the threat was real- the communists were murdering people by the hundred thousand or even by the milion- over 70 milion victims in China alone, over 20 milion in Russia, 5 milion deliberately starved to death in the Ukraine, over 2 milion deported from Poland to SIberia after the war

    even more telling was the treatment of the anti-communist russians (who fought on the german side in WW2)- 4 milion men, women and children were handed over to the soviets after the war. There are no known survivors.

    The domino theory was also real- first went Russia, then Mongolia, then China, then Tibet, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia... how many had to fall? To thet you have to add all the arab kingdoms taken over, most of Africa, even pieces of South America

    The fear was overcome first by organising resistance- NATO in Europe and the defense of Korea and Vietnam. Then by defeating the soviets in the cold war.

    I've had the "pleasure" of the experience of communist rule- I'm from Poland.

    Thank God for Reagan, Walesa and JP2

  3. We feared it because its leaders promised to destroy us.   They wished to force their socialist system on our system which had worked for a long time, and theirs NEVER worked without dictators, murders and slave states to keep their people fed.

    We didn't "overcome" the "fear", we simply destroyed its ability to conquer us.  They are no longer a serious threat because they see that they can't last.   Cuba is a good example.   Castro has destroyed his country and is starving his people as is North Korea.   Almost every country in the world except the United States trades and even GIVES FOOD to these countries, and they still can't function.   China had to start going partially Capitalist to survive, and they STILL have to have dictatorial powers to exist.  They even had to go the the extent of murdering a couple of thousand of their own people a few years ago during a simple demonstration.

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