
Why did Americans declare independence from Britain?

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  1. becouse the patriots whanted to be free the didn't wan't to pay for the britishs' thing lie food, clothing, or medison they wated to keep the muney for thim selves to keep their troops healthy and feed and be provided with clothing so they can stay worm just like the british.             

    So they setted up a surprise attack and got around 500 men that night with little than 8 peaple.

  2. hoot

  3. Why did the colonists declare independence from Britain?
    The colonists declared their independence from Britain due to the extreme taxes that were being imposed upon them. They were being charged extreme amounts of money because they were an ocean away and did not have anyone representing them in Parliament. Being under British rule those in power felt that they could charge as they chose no matter how far away or unfair it was. Some of the things they had to pay for were called Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and the Townshend Act.
    The Sugar Act created in 1764, taxed things like sugar, coffee, and other products that the colonists imported. Americans disliked the sugar act, and most colonists did no more than complain.
    In March 1765 Parliament passed another measure the Stamp Act. The law taxed the use of all sorts of printed materials such as: marriage license, advertisements, newspapers, diplomas, legal documents, and even packets of playing cards. Nearly all the colonists spoke out in opposition, and began to refuse to buy anything English until the law was repealed.      
    The Townshend Act of 1767 taxed things like glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea, all the things everyday use that were not produced by Americans. The colonists organized a boycott of British goods. Frustrated once again in its efforts to raise money in America, Parliament repealed all the Townshend taxes except tea.
    The conflicts resulting from the Sugar, Stamp, and Townshend Acts drew colonists together. That’s why the colonists declare independence from Britain.

  4. because they were tired of paying unjust taxes, not having any rights and no freedom

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