
Why did Argentina fail to become an advanced country?

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Both Anglo America(US & Canada) and Latin America(Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc) had been European colonies and became independent in between the late 18th century and early 19th century.

Interestingly enough, Anglo American countries(US & Canada) became advanced countries but Latin American countries did not.

One of the racists said it's because Latin American countries have less white people. However, the majority of Argentine population is white. How do you explain this?

Why did Argentina fail to become an advanced country like US or Canada?




  1. I was going to answer your question but I fear that Leeriekin... has done a much better job than I would. Pay attention to what he wrote as he has explained the crucial points in a nutshell.

    During the early 1900's Argentina was a very prosperous country however, poor political leadership and corruption has led to its downward spiral.

  2. Simple:

    The anglo America was developed under the Christian (protestant) values BUT Latin America was under-developed by the Catholic-Pagan religions!

  3. Argentina is not necesarily a completly devoloped country but to say it has failed is even more incorrect it is probally the most developed country in south america i'm not just saying it becuase im from there argentina's peso was equal to an american dollar for most of the 1900 and was similiar to the US and canada with one difference the military rulers that took over during the 1940's and the economy was rebuilding its self and then in the late 1990's the economy took another nose dive it is currently trying to rebuild the economy...... it is not that it has failed to develop, if not that it is still developing also in an effort to help the economy argentina borrowed millions of dollars from the world bank that it is still trying to pay back without completely destroying the economy ...agian

    in addition cuba hasnt failed in becoming an "advanced" nation either it's tourism economy is amazing it has many tourist from spain and other parts of europe and south america come annualy in addition many people in south america go to college in cuba to usually become doctors because cuba has some of the best medical programs and doctors in the world it is not advanced by some peoples standards simply becuase it is communist and didnt give that many freedoms to it's people ...or was, Rual is quickly givin many freedoms back to the cubans

  4. Because governments have established policies American  of differentiation between the classes. Then the upper classes were increasingly they economic power and casualties are becoming more poor.We have a  lot of European influence but unfortunately the economic policies of governments have done just that population  are increasingly poor.

  5. What do you mean by an advanced country?

    And what's with the white thing?

  6. Poorer or lengthier transport links between Europe and South America most likely; trade couldn't be facilitated as easily.

  7. Argentina was about the same level of development as Canada at one time which is the reason why it attracted millions of European immigrants. After WWII however, many of the populist policies of Juan Peron bankrupted the country and it has since teetered between Military dictatorships and reckless democratic governments.

    Unlike countries with British roots such as Australia and Canada which encourage free enterprise and democracy, Argentina remained ruled by populist strongmen or 'caudillos' as it did under Spanish rule and this situation unfortunately exists to this day.

    The lack of accountability and public duty which results encourages political instability and corruption which isn't a positive environment for progress.

  8. It's pretty odd, indeed. In Argentina, most of the population is white. However, it is not an developed country. Nevertheless, it is the most developed country in all Latin America.

    It's pretty odd the fact that it seems that, in America, those countries with the largest white populations are the most developed.

  9. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It's not th fault of the people, if they're white or black this is not the important fault. The colonization and the religion either. Argentina is a country with many political problems, this is the real problem. The democracy of the country has been interrupted many times along the years. 7 times, if I remember well, the country have coup d'états. This, taken in conjunction with the bad government damages the country stability. Actually, the country is retrieving from a economic crisis in 2001, but they're having problems with the agricultural part. Many people is talking about the sharing up of the wealths and how they can solve the problem with the social classes. Now slowly, the situation is becoming better.

    I wish I could answered your question. Good Luck!

  10. ok,i`m not really fluent in english but i`ll try to explain to you anyway.the reason because some of these countries are more advanced than others is because of the type of colonization they got.usa and canada were colonized by migrants who were escaping from religious persecution.they took their whole family there because they wanted to have a new home,a new country to live with their family.the region of usa and canada were abandoned because it had almost the same climate as in it had almost nothing new to offers to their economy developed independently from the countries they were colonized by.the same did not happen with latin america because(between other factors)of its climate that were very different from europe.these countries received explorers that came here completely alone,with no family ,most of them had kids with the natives(remember they weren`t with their wives).their idea was arrive here,get the richness an go back to their country.of course some of them  needed to live here to protect the land,but they actually didn't think about this territory as being their home or something.the countries that were colonizing the region wanted to have a more effective control on their lands to get the richness(gold,silver and many other things).they forbade these countries to have their own industry and many other things.(that`s one of the reasons the economy in these countries is not so advanced).but i can`t tell you all the history here.if you really wanna know about this you should get a book which has specific information about that or ask a history teacher.

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