
Why did Artie Lange attack Teddy? What caused it?

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I found the audio on you tube under artie quits.





  1. I wouldn't be surprised if Artie's accusation about Teddy "stealing" isn't one of the reasons the show isn't getting replayed.  That's a big accusation, with legal consequences.  Unsure if Artie meant that Teddy was really "stealing" versus just accepting Artie's loans and not paying them back.  There is a difference.  If the "stealing" accusation is untrue, Teddy could go after Artie, Howard and Sirius for letting the accusation get broadcast and repeating it.  IMHO Sirius and Howard decided not the replay the episode (nor write it up on the HS website) because they know there are comments that were made that could put them at risk in the future.  At least by not replaying it they can argue they did what they could to prevent it.

  2. The whole argument started because Teddy didn't keep a copy of Artie's passport, so had to keep asking him for it every time Artie was going to travel anywhere.

    That led into Artie accusing Teddy of being a bad employee and overpaying him, plus lending him money that he knows he'll never see again, etc. etc. but refusing to fire him because he feels sorry for him.

    Eventually Artie just got so mad he blew up, accusing Teddy of "stealing" from him and threatening to kill him.

  3. I have the show recorded and it really is frightening.  I really didn't see it coming, it was typical of Artie's handling of Teddy in the past - I thought it was just more ball busting until Artie bursts with "I hate you Ted" and then he tore after him.  

    After it all calmed down, Teddy came back into the studio - he sounded really scared and shook up when he described how Artie was coming after him.  

    What Gary said is most telling of how this will be handled.  Gary said that he was truly scared of Artie and didn't know if he could be trusted to not do this again to a guest or another employee.

  4. something about teddy asking for more money. i'm sad i missed it. i listen to howard every morning on the way to work.

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