
Why did Asafa Powell not medal?

by Guest64557  |  earlier

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Why did Asafa Powell not medal?




  1. Because he placed 5th in the 100m.

  2. He'll get his Gold in the 4x100M relay.

  3. He honestly didn't look like he was trying in the 100. Bolt doesn't have to try, Powell does. Walter Dix ran his butt off for the bronze.  

  4. Simple really - because he wasn't good enough.

  5. he was very nervous, wasnt prepared mentally

  6. Asafa Powell has just about the worst days at championship races.

    in 2003 World Championships in Paris, he was potentially a medalist, but was Disqualified for moving in the blocks.

    in 2004 Olympics in Athens, he had a chance to win a medal but choked (hesitated,lost focus,panic,etc) and lamely came in 5th.

    in 2007 World Championships, he choked (again) and came in 3rd.

    and this year in Beijing, He choked again.

    there was no reason why he couldnt of took Silver in that race.

    in championship races he gets all tense,panics, and loses focus in his race.

    if it was just a regular meet with the same people, he would of beat them all.

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