
Why did Australia get involved in th Vietnam War?

by Guest56591  |  earlier

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Can you please explain reasons due to China (as it was communist) and Korea (due to north communism invading south non-communism)?




  1. Here's a wealth of info:

  2. for the same reasons they got involved in WW2 and the Korean war- to try and defend people against tyranny

    Communism uses a simple scenario- capture a piece of land, brainwash the youth and use them as cannon fodder to capture more lands- then repeat the process.

    Just as other forms of slavery it works provided the people are not allowed to think too much - and a "liberation war" provides just such an excuse (allowing to silence real or possible opposition - as in kill them)

    If worked for as long as the "west" allowed the "communist leaders" to be immune from attack (eg Hanoi was a no-bomb zone).

    But the moment (sadly - long after the vietnam lesson) it was made plain that the first victims would be the slave masters- suddenly "communist liberation" disappeared.

  3. Australia was part of SEATO, the NATO of the Pacific.  As a member, they voted to join the US and sent a few thousand troops.

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