
Why did BA not sell Concorde to Richard Branson?

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I have just had an argument with my dad about BA not selling Concorde to Richard Branson and Virgin. He believes that the sole reason that Concorde was not sold on was because it would have made BA look like fools if he made it work. I am sure that is partly true, however I am sure that there are other more substantial and more legal reasons why it was not sold on. Does anyone know?




  1. goverments wont allow it, due to noise and carbon footprint bullshit I think

  2. Branson knew as well as everybody else that it was never going to be a reality, but he also knew that BA would never sell them to him so the whole thing was all about publicity for his airline.

  3. good question,,,, i wish that they'd let someone fly it, i loved to see her in the skies

  4. BA didn't sell to Branson, because they knew he could run it at a profit (BA were losing money on it). BA didn't want to get embarassed. So yes, your dad is right.

  5. I don't think Concorde would have ever been economically viable whoever runs it would have lost money. Branson only wanted for the publicity, I'm afraid your dad was right.

  6. They were worried he could run it at a profit and make them look like the second rate business they are!

  7. They are not exactly 'Best Mates'

    I used to manufacture parts for the Olympus engines that powered Concorde and to keep just three (basic minimum for a service) of these aircraft airworthy would have been more than Sir Richard could afford  what with keeping the tooling operational and the amount of spare parts they would require on a regular basis - believe you me they were prohibitively expensive to maintain and run..

  8. Concorde was not withdrawn from service due to the paris air crash, Concorde was withdrawn from service becausr Airbus refused to continue to supply tooling and spares for the aircraft. The nex thing that put Concorde in to retirement was 9/11 after that air traffic dropped dramtically.

    Sir Richard Branson despite what has been said could have taken over the fleet but without Airbus supplying any components the certificate of airworthyness was withdrawn and the plane effectivley grounded

  9. Concorde was withdrawn because of the Paris air crash, and the fact the planes were over 30 years old.

    There hasn't been the development in any aircraft similar to Concorde - to start from scratch now would cost billions - not to mention all the fuss from the anti-noise anti-pollution lobby.

    It wouldn't be economically viable now to carry so few people at such great expense.

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