
Why did Bernie Mac die???

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I read on wikipedia that he was hospitalized with pneumonia for the past week. I heard he had a heart attack and He was recovering from pneumonia, most likely brought on by his sarcoidosis, in a Chicago hospital. His publicist, Danica Smith, said that he was expected to make a full recovery and that he was responding well to treatment.

If he was in a hospital all this time for over a week why would he die? In the hospital they have all this medicine and technology and machines and computers and doctors and everything and he still died in the hospital. Why did he die, if the hospital has all of that advanced equipment? If the hospital has all of that technology, why did he die in a hospital? Would he be alive if he was in a better hospital? Would he be able to be alive if he had enough money to pay for the illness?




  1. he died at 50 years old because of complications of his chronic condition known as sarcoidosis that evolved into a serious form of pneumonia and i am personally crushed about it

  2. this was in the chicago tribune

    Comedian and Chicago native Bernie Mac died early Saturday morning from complications due to pneumonia, his publicist confirmed.

    Mac, 50, had been hospitalized for about a week at Northwestern Hospital, according to his spokeswoman. A few years ago, Mac disclosed that he suffered from sarcoidosis, a rare autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in tissue, most often in the lungs.

    The comic born Bernard Jeffrey McCullough could cut an imposing figure. He stood 6-foot-3, was built like a fullback and carried himself with a bouncer's reticence. But perhaps the strongest weapon in the Chicago comedian's arsenal was that voice, that amalgam of thought and a delivery that could rise like a tidal wave, outpace a Gatling gun and remained, to his last days, loud and unapologetic.

    He wasn't scared, he told us time and again, to tell anyone what he thought, to say what others were afraid to say. That fearlessness wasn't always welcome, considering Mac didn't get his big break until his 30s. But when he did, the comic skyrocketed to success in stand-up, television and the big screen.

  3. It was his time.  No one lives forever.

  4. because he had a lung disease.

  5. Actually....noose's even sure if he's dead. I googled it and it looks like half of the tabloids report him dead and the other half report him alive and responding well to treatment...yet still in critical condition. So until it's on some sort of reputable source (AP, Reuters, etc) try to fight any rumours of his life/death situation.

  6. He really  did pass way. He died because he had pneumonia

  7. he didn't die! it is just a rumor! if you don't believe me look even further in to this!

  8. Honestly. no one knows why. It has nothing to do with the hospital and the computers and the treatment. idk. i can't speak right now. and albert fish that sounded a bit racist. have some respect for the man. he just passed away.

  9. MUSA you're an idiot, his publiscist has confirmed his death.

  10. He died from pneumonia and complications from sarcoidosis.  I have had active sarcoidosis twice.  It was in my guts the first time and I was supposed to die from it, my organs were shutting down.  I recovered ( they do not know why ) and I had a second relapse 2 years later in my lungs.  Luckily a change in medication brought it under control.  I see a doctor every 3 months and have catscans done twice a year.  This disease leaves pieces of calcium throughout your organs.

    I am sure he had the best medical treatment available.  Sadly, sometimes we just die.  even very wealthy people die - all the money in the world, all the medical treatment in the world does not help when the body is worn out.

    R.I.P. - B.M.

  11. Look at the trail of death

    Donald Young his g*y lover choir director tucc

    plus the other choir g*y at tucc

    (these murders are why Larry Sinclair made his life insurance video)

    Tim Russert--was askingtoo many questions about Wright/Sinclair

    Bernie Mac--was given permission to joke about what he did and was probably going to ream OBama onstage


  12. The longer a person stays bed ridden, there is a danger

    of developing pneumonia. It is very important to minimize staying in bed, and remain active, when possible.

  13. bernie mac was a good dude. hospitals cant do everything. there are limits to what they an do. just because someone is expected to make a full recovery doesnt mean that they will. and it wasnt that he wasnt in a good hospital. chicago has some of the best hospitals in the country.

  14. Things happen

  15. God needed someone to tell black jokes.

  16. Bernie Mac died of complications with pnemonua, he died in a hospital cause it was a really bad case of it, and he probably had kidney falure or something, my really good friend had pnemonua and died from it from kidney failure...

  17. yes he died.

  18. The answer is simple...It was his time,no one is promised to live forever,and even though hospitals have alot of high tech equipment and all of that,they just cant overule gods will.i will miss him he was a great comedien.    { R.I.P Bernie mac}

  19. We will just have to believe whatever reason they tell us of how Bernie Mac died. On Monday 8-04-08, my friend got a text message, saying that Bernie Mac died. I found nothing on the interenet when i typed in "did bernie mac die?" on dogpile. Later that night on the news it said that he was still in the hospital. Now I pull up the same question and its all over the internet. How much of a coincidence is that? I can't say how he died. And doctors can only do so much. I do believe that he had more than enough money for the expenses, so I don't think that price contributed to his death. I can't confirm or deny if the doctors did everything they could to save him. All I know is that I am a big fan who is in mourning of a great comedian who brought joy to my screen every time I saw him.

  20. Millions of people die in hospitals! It's not the equipment, it was just his time to go. It could have been worse. At least it wasn't the fault of nurses injecting him with something that would kill him or something like that (as many have died this way).

    Pneumonia is serious, it's not like having a little cold. Any little germ or whatever, can just mess you up and kill you. This cannot be prevented in a hospital. They are known to be filled with them (that's why they have to be CLEAN and nurses and doctors wear white because it helps keep the bad stuff from hanging around as much as with other colors). Money can't help you if you're being attacked by invisible creatures that many people underestimate.

  21. Because he already had sarcoidosis, then developed pneumonia, which is a complication of this disease. Unfortunately, sometimes the disease wins. It wasn't a matter of having money; I'm sure he received the best treatment. Also, we really don't know the full story of his illness. Remember, we only know whatever info his family want's released to the public.

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