
Why did Bill Richardson Endorse Obama over Clinton?

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Why did Bill Richardson Endorse Obama over Clinton?




  1. Probably because he's his personal choice.  You know- people tend to have opinions.

  2. same guy who gives his 10 year old kid a shot gun..i really trust his judgment

  3. He said it was because Obama could bring change, and that he was a "once in a lifetime leader"...  Then he added that there has been too much racism towards illegal immigrants....  Go figure, last I checked the illegal alien was not a race.

  4. I don't know, that was weird.  I suspect some kind of deal was struck.  But it won't change anything.  It may help Obama slightly with hispanic voters, but hispanic voters won't be enough to cover all the white voters Obama has alienated.

  5. because he probably offered him some position in his cabinet if he is elected

  6. Bill Richardson feels that Obama is better than Clinton although the latter has more experience.

  7. Richardson and obama made a deal

  8. Possibly because he thinks Obama will be better for the country than Clinton.  Maybe he's on a short-list for vice president for Obama?

    just a thought; haven't heard anything like that...

  9. Richardson supported Obama because Richardson will get an important position should Obama win.  Obama was using anti-semitic advisors for the Middle East.  Now that Obama is in such trouble with whites who are fearful of voting for someone who, for the last twenty years, chose as his minister a man who believes that we deserved 9/11, that white Americans were giving black Americans AIDs, sides with anti-semitic, anti-Israeli people (Farrakhan), he needs a bona fide acceptable foreign affairs expert.  Remember, Obama has less than two years in federal government.  And the Clintons are so knowledgeable that Hillary would have Richardson in her government.  But Richardson wouldn't be top dog!

    That Richardson is willing to sacrifice his integrity to side with a man whose wife doesn't support the US either, except when it supports her husband, to support a man who no longer wears an American flag and who won't salute the flag tells us all we need to know about his mettle.


  10. Richardson can see the writing on the wall. He realizes that the race is pretty much over and all Hillary is going to accomplish at this point is to destroy the Dems.

    I saw Richardson react to Mark Penn calling his endorsement irrelevant and got the feeling that he was not really turning his back on the Clintons as much their hideous campaign. You could see in his eyes that he just hates Mark Penn and the other attack dogs not Bill or Hillary.

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