
Why did Blacks riot after the assassination of MLK?

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It made no common sense to destroy your own community. Dr. King stood for non-violence and turning the other cheek. What were those people trying to accomplish by setting fire and getting arrested and a record. In times of an emergency one must be calm, protect their family and themselves. Not act up and riot. This lead the way for Nixon to rise and the Republican Party to take over. A lot of Whites left the Democratic Party.




  1. they were a tad bit miffed

  2. You do know that MLK sided with the Republicans right? Back then the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow, get your facts straight.

  3. Really...maybe you should think about ur ?'s b4 u ask them

  4. It was because Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for African Americans at a time when there was large segregation and racism in the United States. He became a figure of hope and a leader of the African American community. He stood for all of the changes that needed to be made and he was the voice of the people. The Black community finally had someone to express their feelings and stand up for them, and they were finally being heard. Then, with the simple pull of a trigger all of that was forgotten and their vocal leader was killed. The Black community was upset, and understandably so. There's no way you can understand what it was like, so I can't make a comparison for you to understand it. It wasn't about his preaching anymore, it was about expressing their rage. They weren't trying to accomplish anything, it was just letting out all of the anger that had built up from years of oppression that they thought were coming to an end. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the Civil Rights movement and when he died a part of all of the African American community died.

  5. Well, they're LEADER had just been killed. The one man who represented hope for the African-American community. I think after being oppressed for so long and to have something so major like that to happen, they can only keep cool for so long. Men can only deal with so much, before he's pushed to the limit.

  6. shsfhsfgdfsghdf

  7. years of oppression had built up to a boiling point and the assassination Dr. Martin Luther King was the catalyst for the release of feelings of frustration

  8. this is probably the dumbest question I've seen yet....

  9. Really makes so sense, does it. Afterall, He was killed by fellow blacks.

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