
Why did Brazil choose to use ethanol in stead of normal gasoline?

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why does brazil use ethanol or biodiesel ?


how did or how does alternative energy resources affect brazil? in a good or a bad way?

if you answer please cite your sources!






  1. Because they have to import petroleum products.  And they can grow sugar cane, and make ethanol from it easily (more easily than we can make it from corn).

    The downside is that they use a lot of land to grow sugar cane, and have even cut down some (not a lot) of rainforest to do it.

    But, they have way cut back on being dependent on other countries by cutting oil imports way back.  For them, that's worth a lot.

    It would be worth a lot for us to cut back on oil imports, too.

  2. They don't want to be owned by other countries,like my country,the U.S.

  3. Do your own research if you want sources.

    Brazil uses ethanol because it is cheaper than gasoline.  It is cheaper than gasolene becasue they have to import almost all of their gas and they can grow sugar cane to make alcohol.  As a result of this people can afford to own and operate cars so it is a good thing in the short term.  In the long term they are destroying the rainforest to grow crops and making CO2 that can't be absorbed by the now non existant rainforest.

  4. in an effort to modernize his country, the dictator/president at the time needed money.  By using an already proven subsitute for imported oil he could instead spend that money on other things.  Ethanol was the obvious choice, and since he could do what he wanted every station had to set up an ethanol pump.  With further research they managed to hit the 25% level mix, the max for regular cars.  Due to a couple oil embargoes and more research a cheaper way of making a flex fuel vehicle was invented, now they are a net exporter of fuel, while the us has gone the other way.  Pretty sad.

  5. They have very little gasoline.

  6. eeasy to make it easier for us to convert instead of thinking the whole world is whatching us to see how it went then they would all follow,. now we can follow a blue print,. thanks for the enjoymenty

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