
Why did Bristol Palin cover her baby bump with a blanket and Trig during the announcement of Mum's nomination?

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  1. why do u think she was trying to hide it an they were just saying how her mom suports her lol  

  2. Because the Palins they thought they could fool the world. Whether she's pregnant now or was pregnant with Trig then, the Palins had no intention of being upfront about whatever is going on until they were outed by bloggers. Then they turn around and act as if they've been so supportive from the start. Yeah, right.

    My heart goes out to this poor young girl.  

  3. Newsflash- she's pregnant

  4. LOL - because she's about as pregnant as George Bush.

    If anyone actually believes Palin when she says that her infant son is actually hers and not her daughters then they are nuts. Think about it - where are the photos of an obviously pregnant Palin? There aren't any! I wonder why.

    There is no way that her daughter is actually going to be having a kid anytime soon. Watch out for a 'miscarriage' just after the election. Mark my words.

    God knows why McCain picked this woman - he must be crazy.

  5. Shes pregneant. Im pregnant and I Cover my belly when ever possible..

  6. The important issue is that McCain and Palin both deny funds to educate teens on s*x and pregnancy.

    'Palin herself said she opposes funding sexual-education programs in Alaska.

    "The explicit s*x-ed programs will not find my support," she wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates.'

    "Republican John McCain, whose running mate disclosed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, has opposed proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs..."

    'McCain's position on contraceptives and teen pregnancy issues has been difficult to judge on the campaign trail, as he appears uncomfortable discussing such topics. Reporters asked the presumptive GOP presidential nominee in November 2007 whether he supported grants for s*x education in the United States, whether such programs should include directions for using contraceptives and whether he supports President Bush's policy of promoting abstinence.

    "Ahhh, I think I support the president's policy," McCain said.'

  7. Well shes pregnant and at the time nobody knew.

    McCain 08!

  8. McCain is doomed

  9. can you say irrelevant?

  10. Because she chose to.

  11. Goes to show what their original intent was.

  12. You know why. How about leaving the kid alone?  

  13. Good question. I hate how they are so sneaky.  

  14. If you had watched her on todays news you would have seen clearly she is showing full-bloom.

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