
Why did Britney Spears & Barbara Strisand get chased into a river w/ killer sharks and were eaten alive?

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I dunno. I'm bored. Funniest answer=10 pts.




  1. Hi

    Because they posted a really stupid joke in the hockey section.

    Thank You

  2. I think the way to go would be to use the sharks as the San Jose Sharks, but thats the only way to tie this into hockey I can think of.

    THAT GUY - You think we decide we want all these off topic questions in here? Do you really think we have power over all of this?

  3. Lies!

    You missed the beginning and the end!

    Britney Spears got chased into a truck where she ate a duck and learned how to cluck.

    Then Barbara Strisand arrived with a cow, trotted off into the sunset with Briteny in tow.

    Together they both had a child, don't ask how, don't tell me why.

    Seventeen hundred seconds later, a hockey team arrived and slaughtered the cow. Yes.

    Seventeen hundred and twenty two seconds later, a very panicky Britney Spears & Barbara Strisand got chased by the very same very angry hockey team.

    Into a river.


    Britney tried to mate with a shark... and was tragically slaughtered by her shark-babies. Tsk.

    Barbara tried to sing to calm down the sharks... and was promptly eaten.

    All sharks involved died due to alcohol poisoning.

    The dead sharks that ate B and B were mashed and smashed and baked into cake by the little baby.

    The child grew up to be a hockey player.

    Who murdered all singers on the sly.

    Don't ask how, don't tell me why.

    As for the cake?

    It's now on your plate.

    Bon appetit!

    On a personal note - I'm not anti B & B... or cows... um.. and hey - I managed to shove in HOCKEY!!!

  4. I duno! Maybe try another section!!!!! THIS IS THE HOCKEY SECTION!!!!!!!! when u go to the store, do u get barbie dolls in the picture frame section????

  5. I'm pretty sure a Great White Shark wouldn't eat Britney because he doesn't want any STD's.Barbaras' nose wouldn't fit in its mouth.Maybe if they sang a duet it would sound like a Killer Whales' mating call so they'd swim away.Also I don't know how many killer sharks are found in a river but OK.

  6. wow the hockey section just hit an all time low  

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