
Why did Bush back down from Pakistan?

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Pakistan stated the USA cannot and will not enter to get terrorist.




  1. . . . . . . and what was he suppose to do?

    There is nothing Bush could do, Pakistan has refused point blank to allow any US military within Pakistan. Pakistani foreign minister specifically reiterated his position that Pakistan is a sovereign country and US will not be allowed in.

    One of the reason is 'Public Opinion' in Pakistan, extremely anti-American especially after US troops killed Pakistani soldiers while shelling insurgents. If public opinion is inflamed within Pakistan it can destabilize the country, something even Bush doesn't want.

    Any discontent fuels support for insurgents which in turn harms our strategic interests. Recent civilian deaths in Afghanistan have fueled support for Taliban and they have gained many new recruits. Fact is America needs Pakistan to fight the war on terror.

    Simple fact recently firmly stated by General Mullen (Joint Chief of Staff), we need more troops in Afghanistan. Insurgency is increasing, attacks are increasing, just this week insurgents attacked US base killing many soldiers. There is immediate requirement to increase troop levels, troops have been ordered to serve an extra month.

    All b/c we took our eyes of the ball!

  2. it's not his problem as he's nearly history

  3. bush fucksssssssssssssssss

  4. due to the fact pakistan has nukes The US must remain very chummy with them

  5. Two words:  Nuclear ****ing weapons.

    Which is just another reason why it's a good idea not to let Iran have any.

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