
Why did Bush make Katrina happen?

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Why did Bush make Katrina happen?




  1. In part Bush is largely to blame.

    do you remember hurricane Pam?

    Due to budget cuts made by Bush, FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers were left with out the proper funding and  the required measures couldn't be taken.

    In the end it was the Army Corps of Engineers the shouldered most of the finger pointing

  2. No the weatherman did lol , Bush just laid low and did not bother with getting things done to help the people maybe its because they where black and poor who knows i could be wrong!

  3. I didn't know man had that power.  I'm wondering if maybe Bush could create a big snow storm in Hawaii.  Would love to go snow skiing off Diamond Head crater.

  4. Umm...  Ok, that's like asking: "Why did Al Gore make Global Warming happen?"  

    A lot more people were involved in the mishandling of that disaster.  Sure, a simplistic view is to say that Bush did it, but the reality is far more complicated.  Many people blame either FEMA, the governor of Louisiana, the Mayor of New Orleans, New Orleans PD, the people who refused to evacuate or a combination of all of those named.  There were probably more blamed too.

  5. I lived through it, and people like you make me sick.

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