
Why did Bush shut down the solar energy project if we need more energy?

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Does this not prove that Bush is trying to destroy this country. Isn't that free energy directly related to the price of gas. Could someone please explain what purpose he is doing by stopping solar power, other than bringing down the country.




  1. he did not "stop" the solar power initialtive..he stopped the pelosi;/reid regime pork barreling that went with it...the only thing it proves is that he uses common sense.

  2. Yes, it does prove it but the only way some people will get that message is if he puts a stick of dynamite up there as* & lights it & even then they would probably smile & say "can we have a beer together?".

  3. ... he's an oil man!

    "The war has cost enough to put solar panels on every house in America. Wouldn't that have been a much better use for the money? Or do you prefer that it goes to Bush's pension fund? What has happened to the 'missing' 23 billion?"

    Well said Heralda!

  4. Bill you're right in that the world needs more renewable sources of energy, however, that will do nothing to address the problem of Americans being too wasteful when they use oil and oil products.  

    You see to manufacture solar panels, what do you need?  Yes, you need oil.  Without it, how do you make the plastics, mine the metals used in it, transport, install and maintain it?    As Peak Oil is now well under way, the cost of solar panels will pay for themselves much faster as oil rockets to at least $200 a barrel by Christmas.  But then so do the costs of making them.  

    If alternative energies were going to be utilised to any significant degree, the legislation of Jimmy Carter would not have been repealed by Regan.  Republicans have not been able to see beyond their own noses to the future.  Now it is the progressive Governments of Europe that invested in renewable energies that will watch as America crashes and burns, their economy, so dependant on cheap oil in ruins and more and more of their people in poverty while the rich get richer.

    Your only hope is increased efficiency and conservation of the oil that is left, but stupid, selfish Homer Simpson type Americans will never vote for that.  When they stop behaving as if someone has taken their lollipop away because they have to pay a little more for gas, maybe they will grow up and understand that oil is a FINITE resource and that it was bound to start depleting  some day.  

    Bush and his oil buddies have known this for a long time, but did they prepare America for it?  Of course not!  They initated an illegal war to defraud the American populace of millions.  They have no intention of sorting out any of the mess they have made before leaving office and enjoying their ill gotten gains, at the expense of American lives, because unless you are in the elite club, they don't give a sh*t about you.  

    The war has cost enough to put solar panels on every house in America.  Wouldn't that have been a much better use for the money?  Or do you prefer that it goes to Bush's pension fund? What has happened to the 'missing' 23 billion?

  5. Solar panels are a waste.  They are inefficient and very expensive.  Only the wealthy can afford them in most states in the country and they it takes 30+ years to make back the cost of installing them.  Nuclear energy is the way to go, and it is the Democrats blocking that.  They are trying to ruin our country.  Domestic oil and coal sources would be cheaper sources of energy.  Guess What? The democrats are blocking them too; so when you pick the smallest source and least efficient source of energy in this country and call blocking it destroying the country, what do you call blocking the largest and most efficient sources of energy?

  6. because all of his buddies own oil companies and he doesnt want solar power to replace oil as this will affect their profits!

    also, solar energy is not massively efficient, there are better ways of supplementing energy- wind farms, tidal turbines (both very successful in europe), subterranean heat pumps etc.

    i think e can all agree that bush is an idiot.

  7. The sad truth is, our government is being controlled to a large extent by Exxon/Mobil and defense contractors. As such, we have become a superpower nation that spends more on defense than all other countries combined, while at the same time being controlled by the most profitable company on the planet whose sole product just so happens to be oil.

    It's no surprise that everyone in Bush's cabinet are former oil executives and that the puppet president of Afghanistan was once a consultant for a large oil company.

    I know for a fact that Exxon/Mobil has no interest whatsoever in alternative energy and are pushing to drill more oil not only in the Middle East but offshore in the United States.

    Everything GW Bush has done since getting into the Whitehouse has to do with oil which is no surprise since his father works for the Carlyle Group, an investment firm who has a large interest in oil, and he himself is a former oilman.

    Saudi Arabian interests have given $1.4 billion to firms connected to the Bush family. Of this figure, $1.18 billion comes from contracts awarded to defense contractor Braddock, Dunn & McDonald, which Carlyle sold before George H. W. Bush became an advisor.

  8. W. & Cheney are Oil Men. That means nobody else gets a cut of the pie on their watch.

  9. Well- his oil chums want to make s**+tloads of money before he gets booted out.

  10. Solar energy has been around for a long time and if the President blocked a bill with it you can bet that bill had enough pork added to it the make the project far too expensive. Tell me when Ted kennedy and his friends blocked the constrution of a wind farm off the east coast does that prove he is trying to bring down the Country?

  11. Solar energy is only good to heat the water in your water tank for the most part and what do you want to do cover the desert over with this unproven uneffiecient things? Solar panels have been around for 30+ years and if they were proven then they would be implemented.

    Not to many things can run on them. Ever see the solar car races in Australia? most of them only run for a few miles this is hardly a break though.

    We need more oil while the alternative energies are developed why can you not understand this?

    HEY VC the Tesla also cost over 100 grand. Not exactly affordable to the common person and they still have transmission problems last time I read anything about them.

    If solar was so good we would impliment it but you have to cover so much ground to get enough energy to run anything on them.

    People who want solar and wind do not want it in their back yard (hypocrites) and yet complain that an area the size of Dulles Airport for drilling would ruin alaska or the pipe line will kill off the habitiat. I just want consistancy from the lunatic fringe left envrio weenies for once in my life time.

  12. Well, if Exon owned the Sun and the Wind, Im sure we would have had solar electic/hydro cars years ago!

    I do work for a company that makes an electric car that goes 0-60 in 4 sec. It runs for 250miles per charge.

    But John McCain Says the other day "I'll give $300,000,000" (tax payer money) to the guy who invents the battery for electic cars to run on"

    Its 2008 and were still talking about oil! How silly is that? The game is rigged!

  13. well..have YOU read why the Federal Government (not Bush) has put a stop on the Project....?

    ...Environmentalist studies....aka environment c**p..again!!!!

    aka Democrat liberal environmental c**p!!

    so stop blaming Bush for the mess created by the Liberal c**p that is the REAL culprit of the mess we have gotten ourselves for the last 30 years of NO oil drilling here, no new nuke plants, etc etc etc...!

    jess people!

  14. he did not "stop" any solar energy project.

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