
Why did CM Punk get booed for not drinking. .?

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He lives a straight edge life and I respect that so much. When he refused to drink, people started chanting "Drink it wuss." . . . This isn't about "WWE going PG". That's CM Punk's whole life. . People should respect that.

WQ: Who do you want to win? Santino/Beth or Mickie/Kofi?




  1. Alot of people just wanted to be amazed to see CM Punk break his beliefs, which is wrong. I'm glad he chucked the beer in Bradshaw's face, at least he's a decent role model for the kids, and a good wrestler and good mic worker on top.

    WQ: Kofi and Mickie. I would rather see Katie Lea and Paul Burchill win the belts.

    please answer:;...

  2. alot of people on this planet likes to drink cause they say it proves your tough and thats why they booed and called him a wuss cause he didnt drink

    WQ- Santino/Beth

  3. I don't know. I like Punk but I was laughing at the chants.

    Santino/Beth. Mickie James is a horse.

  4. I Agree. That's Stupid. If I Was There, I Would Seriously Flick A Soda Cup At JBL. Kinda Like How That One Guy Did It To Paul Heyman.

    Im Happy With Kofi Having The Intercontinental Championship, But I Want Santino And Beth To Win This Match.

  5. What do you expect? Mostly teenagers watch wrestling, and most teenagers are alcoholics.


  6. s***w them, they're idiots. I applaud CM Punk for doing his thing. You've got to live life for yourself and no one else.

    WQ: Mickie/Kofi

  7. So do I bro in Fact I am Straight Edge as well and alot of people tell me that they have respect for me for my choice, ppl who don't respect others for not drinking are drunks or just plan immature, Its the same as me not disrespecting or putting down someone who does drink it is their God givin right to do it and I support their choice so for those who booed him tonight they need to find a mirror and take a long look they aren't perfect

  8. Yea, i agree with the CM Punk thing.  Fans can be stupid sometimes and most of them do drink.  Fan favorites are wrestlers that do drink. Stone Cold,  The Sandman, etc.  I respect CM Punk for not drinking.  I think this was a plan of the WWE that failed.  CM Punk not gaining face-ship.

    WQ: I see santino and Beth picking up the upset.  Idk.  Just a feeling.

  9. Yeah, i respect CM Punk for that,  its not just some gimmick, and if he did drink then what i mean people would have still booed him, no one in WWE is ever happy.

    Also i want Kofi Kingston & Mickie James, i would say Santino & Beth but i don't want Santino as a champion, he's better as just being a funny promo guy, not a champion.

  10. People don't understand morals anymore alot of the teenager's are drinker's and expect there favorite superstar to do the same but when cm punk lives by a life style of no drinking or drug's none of the teen's or even adult's can respect that now a day's it's really gotten ridiculous in the world.

    WQ: beth-santino i want santino to hold the women's title i think it will be funny

  11. Cause people are @ss holes i never drink or do drugs and i never will.

  12. I Agree, And Drinking And Probably Even Seeing The Sight Of Alcohol Brings Back Horrible Memories Of His Father. People Think That Him Being Staright-Edge Is A Gimmick & He Is A "Wuss" For Not Doing it But Most Of The WWE Fanbase Is Kids And It Shows Them You Dont Have To Give Into Peer Pressure, & Alcohol To Prove You Are Better. And To Also Just Stick Witch What You Believe In.

  13. lots of ppl probably perceive cinderella m punk as a phoney, deserved or not.  anyway...  live YOUR life.  don't worry about his.  he opened himself up to criticism when he signed with wwe.

    WQ:  the correct answer is santino/beth

  14. I respect Punk and everyone else should do the same, I mean that's how he lives his life and the crowd shouldn't' have done that,

    Santino and Beth.  

  15. It's funny because some people think Punk doesn't drink to appeal to kids, when he's actually straight-edge in real life. I think a lot of people believe that the straight edge part is only gimmick.

    Santino/Beth, they're one of the best pairings in the WWE and the more they're shown on TV the better. It would especially be funny if Santino somehow ended up with the Women's Title and Beth with the IC belt.

  16. People just wanna see him break his beliefs. And they should f*ck off. If he doesn't wanna drink, leave him alone.  



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