
Why did California ban homeschooling?

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Why do you suppose they did this?

Serious answers only please.




  1. They didn't ban homeschooling.  

    One single appeals court judge made a ruling that basically states he doesn't like homeschooling.  One judge.

    That does not make a law, that does not mean that CA has banned homeschooling and right now it doesn't affect anyone but the family that was in court in the first place.

    Edit:  You are right, people can't just sit back and do nothing.  That's why HSLDA has gotten involved.   The Gov. has stated that he will not let the ruling stand.  The head of the School Association has said he will not let homeschooling be banned either.  So, people are fighting it.  

    I'm just pointing out that homeschooling is NOT banned.  It's a ruling that will be overturned and be taken off the books if everything goes as planned.

  2. Serious answer:

    They didn't. One case was published, which does set a precedent. However, it does not become a law that forces all children into public school. Dr Dobson is not exactly an unbiased news source...

  3. the education system is a government monoply.  the state receives funding from the federal government depending upon the enrollement in that state and school system.  the state of cali. is currently in a budget crisis, so it only makes sense that they need as many students in the public system, as possible.  it was easier to do away with home schooling as opposed to private schools, but the NEA and teachers union would probably like to eventually do away with both options.

  4. Gee maybe it's the $9000 they get for every  student enrolled in public school.

  5. i dont think they did... i think you are thinking of another school... thts what i think...if you dont think that this is serious then i dont knw whats wrong with you...

  6. well idk what this is about because im homeschooled and i live in california.

    i go online though,

    the people are really nice and my teacher just dropped by today to talk to my mom.

    i really think you should give it a go. its free and your kid will be able to avoid bullies but still have/make friends.

    best of wishes!



    If you search through the archived questions from the past two days on this forum, you will see they didn't ban anything!  There was NO law passed.  It was one case, with one judge/court, and the entire case was based upon a HS'ing family's child abuse dating back two decades.  The juvenile court wanted the younger children in school so their welfare could be watched.

    EDITED to ADD:

    The article is part of the "fear mongering" going on.  As a supporter of Dr. Dobson, I'm actually quite upset that he jumped the bandwagon and got so many people riled up about this.  But HSLDA started it.  They are great at the Chicken Little dance.  It's because they want to come out looking like heroes for "solving" the problem.  Their petition gets their name out there and makes more people think they need an HSLDA membership to protect themselves from cases that the one in CA.  I've been HS'ing for 5 years and have NO NEED for HSLDA.  For more about them, go here:

  8. They would like to force kids into regular school in order to get the matching funds from the government.This is the same reason they want illegals to be able to attend schools.

    they car nothing about the kids and they know that home school kids get a better education. they have some bogus idea that they will be able to monitor child abuse if they come to school. What a crock.

    Today's paper said it will not go through. Arnold said he will block it.

  9. It didn't.

  10. They didn't ban home school YET!! But with liberal judges writing law instead of properly interpreting it you get this BS!

    According to HSLDA Ca law states that you have 4 options you can teach under. Options 1+3 say you must be capable to teach option 2 (a private toutor) states you need a teaching certificate (that's funny you have to go to college to get a traffic control certificate to educate your kids) Option 4 has no requirement as it is public school at home.

    Please do the research and read the actual ruling. The Governor and school officials are still saying it IS LEGAL and they will fight to protect that freedom! I hate to say this as I love Focus On the Family and James Dobson but please take him with a grain of salt when things are written to sound the worst it can be. When you read anything about current events please do some research before freaking out.

    I do agree that we as home schoolers do need to stand up for our rights. Just as Christians need to stand up and do something to protect ourselves from religious intolerance.

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