
Why did Classical Replicansim contribute to the u.s. constitution?

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Why did Classical Replicansim contribute to the u.s. constitution?




  1. why? I don't know. How? Jefferson and John Adams used Rome, Greece, and Britain as models for the Yankee Republic.  

  2. I specialized on this topic for my We The People class. The framers of the constitution used the idea of Civic Virtue, which is basically civic participation and reponsibilty- as a guideline for the constitution. If you look at the preamble of the constitution you will see phrases such as, "provide for the common defense" and "promote the general welfare." the idea of general welfare, or common good, as it would be referred to by the classical republicans, was the single most important purpose for government. Now, that doesn't mean that the framers felt the same way. The framers, i.e. James Madison, strongly believed in a balance between Classical Republicanism and Natural Rights Philosophy, implementing the idea of enlightened self-interest as a very plausibly way to achieve this balance.

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