
Why did David Noriega call the indictment of "Animal" Acevedo Vila a Coupe-D-etat (Golp[e De Estado)?

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The Federal government indicted "Animal" Acevedo Vila on 18 counts of; money laundering, and various others and david Noriega calls it a Coup-d-etat. How can this "Independentista" call a Federal court action on the governor a Coup-d-etat? re "Independentistas" in Puerto Rico starting to show their true colors again? Remember their Socialist friends?




  1. Simple, he is an idiot.  No more, no less.  When the Federal Court was prosecuting successfully all the statehood criminals, because that is what they were, he was pretty happy with Federal intervention, when in reality what the Federal Court was doing is exactly what it is doing now, performing their duty to make federal laws valid in Puerto Rico.  Now that the shoe is on the other foot, he complaints.  In the end, David Noriega is not an "independentista" anymore, I seriously doubt he ever was one, he was just one "popular" in "independentista" clothing.  During the "Blue Ribbon" committee that he was part, he sold himself to the PPD, he is a believer in all the lies of the PPD.  He just doesn't like that his "cronny" got caught with the hands in the cookie jar.

  2. "Independentistas" object the authority of federal goverment over PR.

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