
Why did David Wright win the Gold Glove in 2007?

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He made 21 errors




  1. the gold glove has become more of a competition amoung the better offensive players in that position to be the best fielder.

    of the better offensive third basemen in the NL, david is the best fielder, and that's why he won it.

    the same can be said for pujols winning his gold glove. there's nothing wrong with albert pujols fielding. he's a well above average fielding first basemen, but gold glove? pujols won it because amoung the people that are as good offensively as him at first base, he's the best fielder.

    jimmy rollins got his only gold glove to go with his MVP last season, coincidence? no. it's cuz he was a better fielder than hanley ramirez, jose reyes, and the select other elite NL shortstops. nothing made him magically better than omar vizquel last year, it's just that omar's offensive numbers have significantly dropped.

  2. His range factors which are not even mentioned in the official stats were outstanding and the fact that 21 errors is near the yearly norm for 3rd. basemen is not mentioned either in the official stats.

    Put some of your time into analysing fielding stats and this question would not be asked.

  3. Why did Rollins win the Gold Glove over Tulowitzki?


    227 Put outs

    479 assist

    11 errors

    110 double plays

    .985 Fielding %

    717 total chances


    262 put outs

    561 assists

    11 errors

    114 double plays

    .987 fielding %

    834 total chances

    For those who are counting thats 117 more plays for Tulo with the same amount of errors, 4 more DPs for Tulo, 82 more assists, and 35 more put outs.  The Gold Glove means nothing if you are not going to award it to the most deserving player.

  4. he made 21 errors because he dives a lot misses and then gets an error for it.

    if you watch players like Wright they are going to have more errors than some because they bust their butts for the ball.

    I think Wright is one of the best 3rd basemen in the game

  5. But he made some very good plays as well.

  6. cuz hes better then a-rod

  7. but he had the highest fielding percentage

  8. cuz ever since he made that barehanded catch ppl think he is the best

  9. The Gold Glove has nothing to do with stats, it is a popularity contest, there is really no criteria for the awards so it is just chosen by popularity, Palmiero won one a few years ago after playing all of 21 games at 1B all season fo rhte Orioles.  This award means nothing to me, Ozzie Smith won one the year that he split time with Royce Clayton as well...not even the full time starter.  The award is not a great award in my mind.

    Check the link, his fielding percentage was ninth out of thirteen in the league last year, he was a below average all season last year for a fielder...if it went of fielding percentage then Pedro Feliz would have won it.


    Range Factor he was 7th out of 13, not helping his cause

    Zone Range he was 8th out of 13...still not helping.

    His defense had nothing to do with his getting the Gold Glove, it was offense and popularity.

  10. It was a mistake.

  11. He made 21 errors because he got to balls no other 3B would have even reached. He made 21 errors because he attempted throws that other 3B would have just held onto the ball and conceded the infield hit. Yes, 21 times it turned into a baserunner. But many more times it turned sure baserunners into outs. He deserved the Gold Glove simply because he was the best fielding 3B in the league, bar none.

  12. Dude, winning a Gold Glove is something that good defensive men should always win.

    Then why hasnt Alex Cora won one yet? he has like a career .975 Fielding percentage.

    One thing that people need to understand is that to win a GG you need to have really good offensive numbers as well.

    David hit 30 homers, 107 RBI, .325 BA, and 13 SB. No other NL Third Baseman stood up to those numbers last year.

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