
Why did d**k Cheney hire the same people invovled with the collapse of ENRON to run the" new Iraq State"!? why

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Why did d**k Cheney hire the same people invovled with the collapse of ENRON to run the" new Iraq State"!? why




  1. And Sparhawk, if he DID produce a link for you, you would malign the integrity of the source, because that's what neoconservatives always do when confronted with any negative information about their poorly chosen heroes.

    Nonetheless, we're all curious, so if the poster has a link, I'd like to see it.


    Okay already, Neville, take some responsibility for your question and find a link to something that verifies this please.

  2. You already know! This is rhetorical! but I bet a lot of people reading it didn't know.

    here's a link. many reputable sources and links. Enjoy

  3. this is news to me.... are you sure that that is the case

  4. Because he is a d**k

  5. Who are you talking about?  Don't you love the way liberals just throw around accusations with no proof and no way to check up on their "facts".

  6. He knows how to make a buck at our expense.

  7. jay garner was from rumsfeld,j paul bremer was from W-i dont get what you are saying

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