
Why did Dominicans love Trujillo and Balaguer so much?

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  1. I would not agree with you that he was a fascist, he was a great patriot. Yes, Trujillo was a dictator and he gave a homework for all other dictators, as he was well known to have in possession almost (and maybe all) 100% of economy on one country. He was one of the most richest people in 50s-60s with more than 600 Millions of dollars on personal account in Switzerland. In the same moment he was asking for Economy help for Dominican Republic. When the monetary fond asked him, why he is asking for help, when his son is filling a swimming pool with champaign, he answered that He does not need help, but his country. Hmmm.

    Trujillo made a significant development of Dominican road infrastructure, Santo Domingo - North, East. And bridges. Some of the things that current government handle with difficulties. Crime almost didn't exist in that time, by the method of strong military and police repression.

    Balaguer was a minor element, who was waiting that Trujillo goes from the throne, in any mode. Balaguer was smart peasant, always with his assistant attitude. He was discriminated from Trujillo in many ways. As this is a fresh history, some of the facts can not be revealed, yet.

    One of the positive figures in Dominican Politics, was Jose Francisco Peña Gomez, died from cancer of pancreas n 1999.

    Trujillo was saying: Rectitud, Libertad, Trabajo.

    On the medal that he received the last time when he was a president says: Asuncion Del Mando Presidencial, 16 De Agosto De 1947.

    Milos Korac,

    Great fan of Generalisimo.

  2. Like most authoritarian rulers such as Franco in Spain and Mussolini in Italy, Balaguer and Trujillo were simply "cuaudillos" who were able to rule with an ironfist and get things done.  With them the DR was in check when they ran the show and the economy was stable that there was no devaluation of the currency as there is now. Also, both men despised the Haitian presence in the country and took action (Trujillo slaughtered thousands of Haitians living by the border; Balaguer wrote a book and accused Haiti of trying to Africanize the country) in order to develop a sense of nationalism while they kept democracy down.  Now the island's economy is slowly recovering from a brief recession under the Mejia years and the aftereffects of the return of democracy to the country. Authoritarianism = stability and national progress/pride; democracy usually results in an unknown product that depends on who is running the country and what events are affecting the nation as a whole (presently emigration is a problem).

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