
Why did Dubya capitulate and agree to a timetable for withdrawl from Iraq?

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Didn't he claim that the commanders in Iraq would be making that decision?

It sounds to me like the Iraqi govt. made the decision.

So does this make Dubya a "surrender monkey" and what does it do to John McCain's argument that we will stay in Iraq for another 100 years?




  1. He said the situation on the ground and the commanders decisions would determine when the US forces would leave.  Given the improving situation, the ability of the Iraqi security forces to maintain their control, the success of the surge, and the decline in support of Al Qaeda, I would say that it is happening just like he said it was going to.  

    As opposed to Murtha, Pelosi, Obama, Kucinich, and the rest of the Democrat surrender monkeys who wanted to cut'n'run in 2005 when the going got a little rocky.

    Bush will go down in history is one of the great ones.  

  2. maybe he finaly got up one morning and listened to the Morning News on the "Television Box"~!

    cant beleive people are still following this chimp just to save face and not have to admit their mistakes~!

  3. The Iraqi government wants us out of their country.

    McCain on the other hand has signaled a *refusal* to go along with that agreed upon deal with the Malaki government; saying: "We will leave as dictated by US commanders--when things start to improve."

    From my POV? I believe McCain thinks we're still fighting the insurgents and the country is still embroiled in deep turmoil.

  4. Because Dubya had nothing to say in the matter.  junior is happy they made the decision for him.  He will continue to be the "war prezident" for the rest of his time in office and the next president will have to clean up the mess he made as has been the case through out his life.  If DADDY did not clean up after him one of DADDY's friends did. So what's new pussycat?

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